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- Easy Access to the Census of Juveniles in Residential Placement
- Juvenile Residential Facility Census Databook
Frequently Asked Questions
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) provide the latest answers to the most commonly asked questions about youth and the juvenile justice system, e.g., victimization of and offending by youth, and the juvenile justice system’s response to law-violating behavior.
Access FAQs by Topic or utilize the table of all FAQs below.
FAQs by Topic
- Youth Population Characteristics
- Youth as Victims
- Offending by Youth
- Juvenile Justice System Structure & Process
- Law Enforcement & Youth Crime
- Youth in Court
- Youth on Probation
- Youth in Corrections
- Special Topic: Hispanic Youth in the Juvenile Justice System
- Special Topic: State Juvenile Justice Profiles
Table of All FAQs
View all FAQs in the table below. Note: use search to find what you are looking for.
Category | Frequently Asked Questions |
Demographics | How many youth are held in residential placement on a given day in the U.S.? [Answer] |
Demographics | What is the female proportion of youth in residential placement? [Answer] |
Demographics | How do residential placement rates vary by race? [Answer] |
Demographics | How old are most youth in residential placement? [Answer] |
Demographics | Does the race/ethnicity profile of youth in residential placement vary by offense? [Answer] |
Demographics | Does the race/ethnicity profile of youth in residential placement vary by offense and sex? [Answer] |
Demographics | How do female residential placement rates vary by race/ethnicity and State? [Answer] |
Demographics | How do male residential placement rates vary by race/ethnicity and State? [Answer] |
Offenses | Does the offense profile of youth held in residential placement vary by State? [Answer] |
Offenses | Does the race/ethnicity profile of youth in residential placement vary by offense? [Answer] |
Offenses | How does the type of offense resulting in placement vary by race/ethnicity? [Answer] |
Offenses | How does the type of offense resulting in placement vary by sex? [Answer] |
Offenses | Does the offense profile of detained youth in residential placement vary by State? [Answer] |
Offenses | Does the offense profile of committed youth in residential placement vary by State? [Answer] |
Time in Placement | Does time in placement vary for detained youth and committed youth? [Answer] |
Time in Placement | Does time in placement vary by sex? [Answer] |
Time in Placement | Does time in placement vary by race/ethnicity? [Answer] |
Time in Placement | How long do youth stay in juvenile residential placement facilities? [Answer] |
Time in Placement | Does time in placement vary by type of offense for detained youth? [Answer] |
Time in Placement | Does time in placement vary by type of offense for committed youth? [Answer] |
Facility Characteristics | Are most youth held in small facilities? [Answer] |
Facility Characteristics | Do public facilities hold more youth than private facilities? [Answer] |
Facility Characteristics | Are male and female youth held in separate facilities? [Answer] |
Facility Characteristics | Do residential placement facilities hold both youth younger than age 13 with older teens? [Answer] |
Facility Characteristics | Do residential placement facilities hold violent youth as well as non-violent youth? [Answer] |
Facility Characteristics | How many juvenile residential facilities operate at or above capacity? [Answer] |
Facility Practices and Services | Do private and public facilities provide onsite residential treatment? [Answer] |
Facility Practices and Services | What facility type is most likely to provide onsite residential treatment services? [Answer] |
Facility Practices and Services | Education: Are youth in residential placement evaluated for educational needs? [Answer] |
Facility Practices and Services | Education: When are youth in residential placement facilities evaluated for educational needs? [Answer] |
Facility Practices and Services | Mental Health: Are youth in residential placement evaluated for mental health needs? [Answer] |
Facility Practices and Services | Mental Health: When are youth in residential placement facilities evaluated for mental health needs? [Answer] |
Facility Practices and Services | Suicide Risk: Are youth in residential placement evaluated for suicide risk? [Answer] |
Facility Practices and Services | Suicide Risk: When are youth in residential placement facilities evaluated for suicide risk? [Answer] |
Facility Practices and Services | Substance Abuse: Are youth in residential placement evaluated for substance abuse problems? [Answer] |
Facility Practices and Services | Substance Abuse: When are youth in residential placement facilities evaluated for substance abuse problems? [Answer] |
State Comparisons | How do residential placement rates vary by State? [Answer] |
State Comparisons | What factors influence State residential placement rates? [Answer] |
State Comparisons | How do States vary in their use of private facilities? [Answer] |
State Comparisons | Does the number of juvenile residential placement facilities vary by State? [Answer] |
State Comparisons | Does the offense profile of youth held in residential placement vary by State? [Answer] |
State Comparisons | What is the female proportion of youth in residential placement? [Answer] |
State Comparisons | How do residential placement rates vary by race? [Answer] |
State Comparisons | How do detention rates vary by race? [Answer] |
State Comparisons | How do commitment rates vary by race? [Answer] |
State Comparisons | How do female residential placement rates vary by race/ethnicity and State? [Answer] |
State Comparisons | How do male residential placement rates vary by race/ethnicity and State? [Answer] |
Victimization in Juvenile Facilities | What proportion of youth report being sexually victimized in juvenile facilities? [Answer] |
Victimization in Juvenile Facilities | Does the rate of sexual victimization in juvenile facilities vary by victim demographics? [Answer] |
Victimization in Juvenile Facilities | Who are the perpetrators of youth-on-youth sexual victimization in juvenile facilities? [Answer] |
Victimization in Juvenile Facilities | What are the incident characteristics of sexual victimization in juvenile facilities? [Answer] |
Youth in Adult Jails and Prisons | How many youth age 17 or younger are held in adult jails? [Answer] |
Youth in Adult Jails and Prisons | How many youth age 17 or younger are held in state prisons? [Answer] |
Delinquency Cases: Counts and Trends | How many delinquency cases are handled by juvenile courts? [Answer] |
Delinquency Cases: Counts and Trends | What are the characteristics of delinquency cases handled by juvenile courts? [Answer] |
Delinquency Cases: Counts and Trends | What proportion of delinquency cases are referred to juvenile court by law enforcement agencies? [Answer] |
Delinquency Cases: Counts and Trends | How has the delinquency caseload changed since the 1960s? [Answer] |
Delinquency Cases: Counts and Trends | Does the trend in delinquency cases vary across offenses? [Answer] |
Delinquency Cases: Delinquency Case Rates | Do delinquency case rates vary by age and offense? [Answer] |
Delinquency Cases: Delinquency Case Rates | What are the delinquency case rate trends for certain offenses? [Answer] |
Delinquency Cases: Detention | Has the juvenile courts' use of detention in delinquency cases changed? [Answer] |
Delinquency Cases: Detention | Do trends in the number of detained cases vary by offense? [Answer] |
Delinquency Cases: Detention | Do trends in the use of detention vary by offense? [Answer] |
Delinquency Cases: Detention | Have trends in the number of detained cases varied by race? [Answer] |
Delinquency Cases: Manner of Handling | Has the juvenile courts' formal delinquency caseload grown? [Answer] |
Delinquency Cases: Manner of Handling | Has the juvenile courts' handling of delinquency cases changed? [Answer] |
Delinquency Cases: Disposition | Has there been an increase in the number of delinquency cases ordered to formal probation or residential placement? [Answer] |
Delinquency Cases: Disposition | Have there been increases in the number of cases judicially waived to criminal court? [Answer] |
Delinquency Cases: Case Flow | How does the juvenile court process a typical delinquency case? [Answer] |
Petitioned Status Offense Cases: Counts and Trends | How many petitioned status offense cases are handled by juvenile courts? [Answer] |
Petitioned Status Offense Cases: Counts and Trends | Do the trends in the petitioned status offense cases vary by offense? [Answer] |
Petitioned Status Offense Cases: Counts and Trends | What are the characteristics of petitioned status offense cases handled by juvenile courts? [Answer] |
Petitioned Status Offense Cases: Counts and Trends | What proportion of petitioned status cases are referred to juvenile court by law enforcement? [Answer] |
Petitioned Status Offense Cases: Petitioned Status Case Rates | What are the case rate trends for petitioned status offenses? [Answer] |
Petitioned Status Offense Cases: Detention | Has the number of petitioned status offense cases involving detention changed? [Answer] |
Petitioned Status Offense Cases: Detention | Do trends in the number of detained status cases vary by offense? [Answer] |
Petitioned Status Offense Cases: Detention | Do trends in the use of detention vary by offense? [Answer] |
Petitioned Status Offense Cases: Disposition | Has the sanctioning of petitioned status offense cases changed? [Answer] |
Petitioned Status Offense Cases: Disposition | What is the trend in dispositions for adjudicated status offense cases? [Answer] |
Youth Arrests | How many arrests are made of persons under age 18? [Answer] |
Youth Arrests | What are the demographic characteristics of youth arrests? [Answer] |
Youth Arrests | What proportion of arrests involve persons under age 18? [Answer] |
Youth Arrests | How do youth arrest rates vary by State? [Answer] |
Customizable Arrest Tables | Annual table: offense, age, and sex [Answer] |
Customizable Arrest Tables | Trend table: offense, age, and sex [Answer] |
Customizable Arrest Tables | Annual table: offense, race, and age [Answer] |
Customizable Arrest Tables | Trend table: offense, race, and age [Answer] |
Youth Arrest Rate Trends | What are the youth arrest rate trends for certain offenses? [Answer] |
Age-specific Arrest Rate Trends | What is the trend for age-specific arrest rates for violent crime offenses? [Answer] |
Age-specific Arrest Rate Trends | What is the trend for age-specific arrest rates for murder? [Answer] |
Age-specific Arrest Rate Trends | What is the trend for age-specific arrest rates for robbery? [Answer] |
Age-specific Arrest Rate Trends | What is the trend for age-specific arrest rates for aggravated assault? [Answer] |
Age-specific Arrest Rate Trends | What is the trend for age-specific arrest rates for Property Crime Index offenses? [Answer] |
Age-specific Arrest Rate Trends | What is the trend for age-specific arrest rates for simple assault? [Answer] |
Age-specific Arrest Rate Trends | What is the trend for age-specific arrest rates for weapons law violations? [Answer] |
Age-specific Arrest Rate Trends | What is the trend for age-specific arrest rates for drug law violations? [Answer] |
Homicide | How many murders are committed by youth in the United States? [Answer] |
Homicide | How does homicide offending by youth vary by age? [Answer] |
Homicide | How does homicide offending by youth vary by sex? [Answer] |
Homicide | How does homicide offending by youth vary by race? [Answer] |
Homicide | What are the trends in homicides committed by youth involving firearms? [Answer] |
Homicide | What proportion of homicides committed by youth involve multiple offenders? [Answer] |
Homicide | What are the trends in victim-offender relationships for homicide offending by youth? [Answer] |
Other Violent Crime | What are the trends in serious violent crime offending by youth? [Answer] |
Other Violent Crime | What proportion of serious violent crimes are committed by youth? [Answer] |
Time of Day | When are youth most likely to commit violent crime? [Answer] |
Time of Day | Does the time of day pattern for violent crime by youth on school days and nonschool days vary by the type of offense? [Answer] |
Time of Day | When are youth most likely to commit violent crime which involves the use of a firearm? [Answer] |
Time of Day | When are youth most likely to commit violent crime which results in injury? [Answer] |
Comparing Offending by Adults & Youth | What time of day are adults and youth most likely to commit violent crimes? [Answer] |
Comparing Offending by Adults & Youth | Does the time of day for violent crime offending by adults and youth vary by the type of offense committed? [Answer] |
Comparing Offending by Adults & Youth | Does the time of day for violent crime with a firearm vary for adults and youth? [Answer] |
Comparing Offending by Adults & Youth | Does the time of day for violent crime that results in injury vary for adults and youth? [Answer] |
Self-report Behaviors | Does the proportion of high school students carrying a weapon vary by demographics? [Answer] |
Self-report Behaviors | How has the proportion of high school students carrying a weapon changed over time? [Answer] |
Self-report Behaviors | Does the trend in carrying a weapon on school property vary by sex or race? [Answer] |
Self-report Behaviors | Does the proportion of high school students engaging in risky driving behaviors vary by demographics? [Answer] |
Self-report Behaviors | What proportion of high school seniors report using drugs? [Answer] |
Self-report Behaviors | What are the trends in past month use of cigarettes, alcohol, and marijuana among high school seniors? [Answer] |
Self-report Behaviors | Do trends in past month use of cigarettes, alcohol, and marijuana among high school seniors vary by sex and race? [Answer] |
Self-report Behaviors | What are the trends in past year use of opioids among high school seniors? [Answer] |
Self-report Behaviors | Does past month drug use vary by grade level? [Answer] |
Self-report Behaviors | Does past month vaping vary by grade level? [Answer] |
Self-report Behaviors | Do the trends in past month use of any illicit drugs (other than marijuana) vary by grade level? [Answer] |
Youth Population | How many youth are there in the United States population? [Answer] |
Youth Population | Within States, how does the youth population vary by race? [Answer] |
Youth Population | How is the youth population expected to change? [Answer] |
Living Arrangements | How has the proportion of children living in single-parent homes changed since 1970? [Answer] |
Living Arrangements | How do the living arrangements of children vary by race? [Answer] |
Living Arrangements | Does the proportion of children living in poverty vary by family structure? [Answer] |
Teen Mothers | What is the teen birth rate and how has it changed in recent years? [Answer] |
Teen Mothers | Have changes in teen birth rates differed by race? [Answer] |
Teen Mothers | What proportion of teen mothers are unmarried and how has it changed in recent years? [Answer] |
Teen Mothers | How do States vary in their birth rates for teen mothers ages 15-17? [Answer] |
Poverty | How has the proportion of youth living in poverty changed since the 1970's? [Answer] |
Poverty | Does the proportion of youth in poverty vary by race and ethnicity? [Answer] |
Poverty | Does the proportion of youth living in poverty vary by State? [Answer] |
Education | What is the high school completion rate and how has it changed since 1975? [Answer] |
Education | Does the high school completion rate vary by race? [Answer] |
Education | Does the public high school graduation rate vary by State? [Answer] |
Education | Does the high school dropout rate vary by sex and race? [Answer] |
Education | Does the high school dropout rate vary by family income? [Answer] |
Education | Does the high school dropout rate vary by State? [Answer] |
Probation as a Court Disposition | When is probation supervision used by the court? [Answer] |
Probation as a Court Disposition | How many delinquency cases receive probation as the most restrictive disposition? [Answer] |
Probation as a Court Disposition | What are the characteristics of cases placed on formal probation? [Answer] |
Probation as a Court Disposition | Do trends in the number of adjudicated cases receiving probation vary by offense? [Answer] |
Racial and Ethnic Fairness | Youth arrest rates by offense and race [Answer] |
Racial and Ethnic Fairness | Youth arrest rates by race, 1980-2020 [Answer] |
Racial and Ethnic Fairness | Case processing characteristics of delinquency offenses by race/ethnicity [Answer] |
Racial and Ethnic Fairness | Ratio of rates between youth of color and white youth for delinquency offenses, 2005-2020 [Answer] |
Racial and Ethnic Fairness | Ratio of rates between youth of color and white youth by decision point and offense [Answer] |
Racial and Ethnic Fairness | Case processing characteristics of delinquency offenses by sex and race/ethnicity [Answer] |
Racial and Ethnic Fairness | Residential placement rates by race/ethnicity, 1997-2021 [Answer] |
Racial and Ethnic Fairness | Detention rates by race/ethnicity, 1997-2021 [Answer] |
Racial and Ethnic Fairness | Commitment rates by race/ethnicity, 1997-2021 [Answer] |
Hispanic Youth Population | Trends in the Hispanic youth (ages 10-17) population [Answer] Updated |
Hispanic Youth Population | Age, sex, and race profile of Hispanic youth (ages 10-17) [Answer] Updated |
Hispanic Youth Population | Age, sex, race, and ethnicity profile (youth ages 10-17) [Answer] Updated |
Arrests Involving Hispanic Youth | Offense profile of Hispanic youth arrests known to law enforcement [Answer] |
Arrests Involving Hispanic Youth | Demographic profile of Hispanic youth arrests known to law enforcement, by offense [Answer] |
Arrests Involving Hispanic Youth | Offense profile of youth arrests known to law enforcement, by race/ethnicity [Answer] |
Arrests Involving Hispanic Youth | Youth proportion of Hispanic arrests known to law enforcement [Answer] |
Arrests Involving Hispanic Youth | Race/ethnicity profile of youth arrests known to law enforcement, by offense [Answer] |
Arrests Involving Hispanic Youth | Age distribution of Hispanic arrests known to law enforcement [Answer] |
Arrests Involving Hispanic Youth | Youth and adult time of day profile for violent crime involving Hispanic persons [Answer] |
Arrests Involving Hispanic Youth | Time of day profile for violent crime involving Hispanic youth, school day vs nonschool day [Answer] |
Delinquency Cases Involving Hispanic Youth | Offense profile of delinquency cases involving Hispanic youth [Answer] |
Delinquency Cases Involving Hispanic Youth | Characteristics of delinquency cases involving Hispanic youth [Answer] |
Delinquency Cases Involving Hispanic Youth | Characteristics of delinquency cases by race/ethnicity [Answer] |
Delinquency Cases Involving Hispanic Youth | Demographic profile of delinquency cases involving Hispanic youth, by offense [Answer] |
Delinquency Cases Involving Hispanic Youth | Trends in the number of delinquency cases involving Hispanic youth [Answer] |
Delinquency Cases Involving Hispanic Youth | Case processing characteristics of delinquency cases involving Hispanic youth, by offense [Answer] |
Delinquency Cases Involving Hispanic Youth | Case processing characteristics of delinquency cases by race/ethnicity [Answer] |
Jurisdictional Boundaries | What is a juvenile? [Answer] |
Jurisdictional Boundaries | What are the upper and lower ages of delinquency and status offense jurisdiction? [Answer] |
Jurisdictional Boundaries | Do juvenile courts lose jurisdiction over youth when they turn 18? [Answer] |
Jurisdictional Boundaries | What types of violations constitute a status offense in each state? [Answer] |
Jurisdictional Boundaries | How are status offenders classified in each state? [Answer] |
Jurisdictional Boundaries | Are delinquency cases and status offenses handled by the same court? [Answer] |
Organization & Administration of Delinquency Services | How do states define the purpose of their juvenile justice system? [Answer] |
Organization & Administration of Delinquency Services | How do states operate delinquency services (detention, community supervision, and reentry)? [Answer] |
Organization & Administration of Delinquency Services | How are detention services operated in each state? [Answer] |
Organization & Administration of Delinquency Services | How are supervision (probation) services operated in each state? [Answer] |
Organization & Administration of Delinquency Services | What type of agency controls the operation of state commitment facilities? [Answer] |
Organization & Administration of Delinquency Services | How are aftercare services operated in each state? [Answer] |
Organization & Administration of Delinquency Services | Are adjudicated youth ever committed to public detention centers? [Answer] |
Organization & Administration of Delinquency Services | What are the most commonly used residential placement options for committed youth? [Answer] |
Youth Tried as Adults | Are transfer (waiver) laws the only laws that enable states to impose adult sanctions on minors? [Answer] |
Youth Tried as Adults | How do judicial waiver criteria vary by state? [Answer] |
Youth Tried as Adults | How do prosecutorial discretion (concurrent jurisdiction) provisions vary by state? [Answer] |
Youth Tried as Adults | How do statutory exclusion provisions vary by state? [Answer] |
Youth Tried as Adults | How do juvenile court blended sentencing provisions vary by state? [Answer] |
Youth Tried as Adults | What is the youngest age that a minor can be transferred to criminal court for trial as an adult? [Answer] |
Youth Tried as Adults | Have states made it easier for youth to be tried as adults in criminal court? [Answer] |
Child Maltreatment | What are the different types of child maltreatment? [Answer] |
Child Maltreatment | What are the characteristics of child maltreatment victims? [Answer] |
Child Maltreatment | How has the number of children who received a response from child protective services changed? [Answer] |
Child Maltreatment | What is the trend in the child maltreatment victimization rate? [Answer] |
Child Maltreatment | What is the age profile of child maltreatment victims? [Answer] |
Child Maltreatment | Do child maltreatment victimization rates vary by the race/ethnicity of the victim? [Answer] |
Child Maltreatment | What is the most common form of child maltreatment? [Answer] |
Child Maltreatment | What are the characteristics of fatality victims of child maltreatment? [Answer] |
Child Maltreatment | Do child maltreatment victimization rates vary by State? [Answer] |
Child Maltreatment | Who perpetrates childhood maltreatment? [Answer] |
School Crime Victimization | Are students safer at school or away from school? [Answer] |
School Crime Victimization | What is the most common school crime? [Answer] |
School Crime Victimization | Does youth violent crime victimization vary between school days and nonschool days? [Answer] |
School Crime Victimization | How many youth are killed at school? [Answer] |
Violent Crime Victimization: Homicide | How many youth are victims of murder in the United States? [Answer] |
Violent Crime Victimization: Homicide | Where in the United States do youth homicides occur? [Answer] |
Violent Crime Victimization: Homicide | Does youth homicide victimization vary by age? [Answer] |
Violent Crime Victimization: Homicide | Does youth homicide victimization vary by sex? [Answer] |
Violent Crime Victimization: Homicide | Does youth homicide victimization vary by sex and age? [Answer] |
Violent Crime Victimization: Homicide | Does youth homicide victimization vary by race? [Answer] |
Violent Crime Victimization: Homicide | Has the number of youth killed with a firearm changed since 1980? [Answer] |
Violent Crime Victimization: Homicide | Does firearm use in youth homicide victimization vary by age? [Answer] |
Violent Crime Victimization: Homicide | What proportion of youth are killed with a firearm? [Answer] |
Violent Crime Victimization: Homicide | Does firearm use in youth homicide victimization vary by race? [Answer] |
Violent Crime Victimization: Homicide | How does the type of weapon used vary with victim age in homicide cases? [Answer] |
Violent Crime Victimization: Homicide | How does the victim-offender relationship vary with victim age in homicide cases? [Answer] |
Violent Crime Victimization: Suicide | Do suicide-related behaviors of high school students vary by demographics? [Answer] |
Violent Crime Victimization: Suicide | What are the trends in suicide-related behaviors among high school students? [Answer] |
Violent Crime Victimization: Suicide | How do the number of youth suicide victims compare to the number of youth homicide victims? [Answer] |
Violent Crime Victimization: Suicide | Do the number of suicide and homicide victims vary by sex? [Answer] |
Violent Crime Victimization: Suicide | Do the number of suicide and homicide victims vary by race/ethnicity? [Answer] |
Violent Crime Victimization: Suicide | Does the age profile of suicide victims differ from homicide victims? [Answer] |
Violent Crime Victimization: Suicide | Does the suicide victimization rate vary by sex or race/ethnicity? [Answer] |
Violent Crime Victimization: Suicide | Has the method of suicide changed over time? [Answer] |
Violent Crime Victimization: Suicide | Does the method of suicide vary by sex? [Answer] |
Violent Crime Victimization: Suicide | In which States do youth suicide victims outnumber youth homicide victims? [Answer] |
Violent Crime Victimization: Sexual assault | Does dating violence victimization reported by high school students vary by demographics? [Answer] |
Violent Crime Victimization: Sexual assault | What are the trends in dating violence victimization reported by high school students? [Answer] |
Violent Crime Victimization: Sexual assault | How does offender age vary with victim age in sexual assault? [Answer] |
Violent Crime Victimization: Sexual assault | How does sexual assault victimization vary by time of day? [Answer] |
Violent Crime Victimization: Sexual assault | Does the age profile of sexual assault victims vary with offender age? [Answer] |
Violent Crime Victimization: Sexual assault | Does the victim-offender relationship vary with the age of the victim or the age of the offender in sexual assault victimization of youth? [Answer] |
Violent Crime Victimization: Time of day | Does the time of day pattern of youth victimization vary on school days and nonschool days? [Answer] |
Violent Crime Victimization: Time of day | Does the time of day pattern of youth victimization vary by the victim's relationship to the offender? [Answer] |
Violent Crime Victimization: Time of day | Does the time of day pattern for violent crime victimization of youth and adults vary by offense? [Answer] |
Violent Crime Victimization: Time of day | Does the time of day pattern for victims of family violence vary by the age of the victim? [Answer] |
Violent Crime Victimization: Trends in Violent Crime Victimization | What are the trends in serious violent crime victimization of youth? [Answer] |
Violent Crime Victimization: Trends in Violent Crime Victimization | What are the characteristics of violent crimes against youth? [Answer] |
Violent Crime Victimization: Trends in Violent Crime Victimization | How do the trends in serious violent crime victimization of youth vary by offense? [Answer] |
Violent Crime Victimization: Comparing Adult & Youth Victims | Are youth more or less likely than adults to be victims of serious violent crime? [Answer] |
Violent Crime Victimization: Comparing Adult & Youth Victims | When is violent crime victimization of adults and youth most likely to occur? [Answer] |
Violent Crime Victimization: Comparing Adult & Youth Victims | Are there age differences between the victims of youth non-fatal violence and the victims of adult non-fatal violence? [Answer] |
Violent Crime Victimization: Comparing Adult & Youth Victims | How does victim age vary with offender age in robbery? [Answer] |
Violent Crime Victimization: Comparing Adult & Youth Victims | How does victim age vary with offender age in aggravated assault? [Answer] |
Violent Crime Victimization: Comparing Adult & Youth Victims | How does victim age vary with offender age in simple assault? [Answer] |
Violent Crime Victimization: Comparing Adult & Youth Victims | How does the offender profile vary for youth and adult victims of violence? [Answer] |
Violent Crime Victimization: Comparing Adult & Youth Victims | Among victims of violent crime, is any age group more likely than others to be victimized with a firearm present? [Answer] |
Violent Crime Victimization: Comparing Adult & Youth Victims | Does the victim-offender relationship vary by victim age for violent crime? [Answer] |