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An official website of the United States government, Department of Justice.

Case Rate Trends

tadamichi / shutterstock.com (see reuse policy).

Youth in Court

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Note: The COVID-19 pandemic, which began in March 2020, may have impacted the policies, procedures, and data collection activities regarding referrals to and processing of youth by juvenile courts for an indeterminate period of time. Additionally, stay-at-home orders and school closures likely impacted the volume and type of law-violating behavior by youth referred to juvenile court.

All Delinquency OffensesTotalby Sexby Race
Person OffensesTotalby Sexby Race
Property OffensesTotalby Sexby Race
Drug OffensesTotalby Sexby Race
Public Order OffensesTotalby Sexby Race
All Petitioned Status OffensesTotalby Sexby Race
Runaway OffensesTotalby Sexby Race
Truancy OffensesTotalby Sexby Race
Curfew OffensesTotalby Sexby Race
Ungovernability OffensesTotalby Sexby Race
Liquor Law ViolationsTotalby Sexby Race
Date Created: May 14, 2021