OJJDP provides national leadership to support states and communities in their efforts to protect children and the communities they call home. That protection comes in many different forms—from programs to prevent youth violence and reduce delinquency—to efforts to help system-involved youth reenter society and build successful futures.
Programs and Initiatives
The following are featured programs and initiatives. Additional programs may be found on the Funding Awards page.
- Children Exposed to Violence
- Drug Courts
- Emergency Planning for Juvenile Residential Facilities
- Enhancing Law Enforcement Efforts and Engagement with Youth
- Formula Grants Program (Title II)
- Gang Violence Prevention
- Human Trafficking
- Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force Program
- Improving Youth Defense
- Mentoring
- Missing and Exploited Children
- Prison Rape Elimination Act in Juvenile Facilities
- Responding to Child Abuse
- Runaway and Homeless Youth
- Sexual Exploitation of Children
- Support for Prosecutors Who Work With Youth
- Supporting Youth and Families Impacted by Opioid Use
- Tribal Youth Programs and Services
- Youth and Family Partnerships
- Youth Reentry and Family Engagement
- Youth with Problematic or Illegal Sexual Behavior
- Youth Violence Intervention Initiative