OJJDP uses a formal peer review process to evaluate competitive grant applications. Eligible applications are reviewed and scored by a panel of subject matter experts recruited from the field.
OJJDP invites researchers and practitioners with expertise related to juvenile justice to apply to serve as peer reviewers. Applicants should indicate their juvenile justice-related knowledge and expertise, including: gangs, mentoring, substance abuse, Tribal youth justice, Internet crimes against children, etc. As there are typically more reviewers available than are needed for the number of applications going to peer review, it is not always possible to invite all qualified reviewers to participate. Prospective matches will be contacted via email with an inquiry about availability and interest.
All reviews are conducted electronically and, typically, reviewers assess and score up to 15 applications within a 2-week period. Before beginning their work, reviewers must participate in an orientation telephone call, which covers the roles and responsibilities of the reviewers and the background and purpose of the grant program under review. Reviewers must also enter their scores and comments to an automated data system, and participate in a reviewer collaboration session with all other reviewers on their assigned panel.
How to Apply to Be a Peer Reviewer
To apply, e-mail a current résumé or curriculum vitae to [email protected].
OJJDP does not generally consider self-nominations for a specific peer review assignment. Reviewers are identified through searches of OJP's Peer Reviewer Database using the specific expertise and professional requirements of the program area and notice of funding opportunity (NOFO).
Please note that peer reviewers must comply with OJP's conflict of interest rules and regulations. For example, a peer reviewer cannot have a financial relationship with an organization that submitted an application under the NOFO being peer reviewed. OJJDP does compensate peer reviewers for their time and effort.