Law enforcement
Initial Response Strategies and Tactics When Responding to Missing Children Incidents
Event Dates
Morris Plains, NJ
Morris Plains, NJ
Event Type
CTAS Open Office Hours
CTAS Open Office Hours
CTAS JustGrants Final Upload Q&A
CTAS Application Checklist Review
CTAS Budget Worksheet Completion
CTAS Purpose Areas 8 & 9
Conducting Child Abuse Investigations
Event Dates
St. Louis Park, MN
St. Louis Park, MN
Event Type
ICAC Task Force National Training Program - Category 3: Officer Wellness (SHIFT)
Supporting Heroes In Mental Health Foundational Training was established to offer training to ICAC task force members and other justice professionals exposed to child sexual exploitation material to mitigate trauma and other adverse effects of chronic exposure.
Strengthening the Internet Crimes Against Children (ICAC) Data System Technological Capacity
This project allows West Virginia State Police to strengthen technological capacity of the National Internet Crimes Against Children Data System.
National Sheriffs' Association OJJDP TTA Program
The National Sheriffs' Association (NSA) will provide training and technical assistance to support States and Territories in implementing their Title II Part B Formula Grant program grants.