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Awards: List of Funded Projects

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OJJDP's grant awards support state and community efforts to develop effective prevention and intervention programs and to improve the juvenile justice system. Find details for funding awards from OJJDP below.

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Awards Listing

Showing Results For:
State: CA,
District: 13

Number of Awards: 74
Total Amount Awarded: $26,643,618

Funded Awards
FY Title Original Solicitation Recipient State Sort descending Award Number Amount Status
2016 CSEC Safe House and Mentoring Program OJJDP FY 16 Mentoring for Child Victims of Commercial Sexual Exploitation and Domestic Sex Trafficking Initiative CATHOLIC CHARITIES OF THE DIOCESE OF OAKLAND CA 2016-MU-MU-0006 $450,000 Closed
2017 Contra Costa Youth Reentry & Empowerment Project OJJDP FY 17 Smart on Juvenile Justice: Enhancing Youth Access to Justice Initiative Bay Area Legal Aid CA 2017-CZ-BX-0025 $300,000 Closed
2017 Technical Assistance to End Racial and Ethnic Disparities (RED) in the Juvenile Justice System OJJDP FY 17 Racial and Ethnic Disparity Training and Technical Assistance The W. Haywood Burns Institute CA 2017-JF-FX-K030 $521,610 Closed
2018 Alameda County Second Chance Juvenile Gang Intervention Pilot Program OJJDP FY 18 Second Chance Act Ensuring Public Safety and Improving Outcomes for Youth in Confinement and While Under Community Supervision COUNTY OF ALAMEDA CA 2018-CZ-BX-0011 $519,040 Closed
2018 Alameda County's Opioid Affected Youth Initiative OJJDP FY 18 Opioid Affected Youth Initiative COUNTY OF ALAMEDA CA 2018-YB-FX-K003 $1,000,999 Closed
2015 Interdisciplinary Analysis Describing Disparities in the Pathways into Incarceration for Lesbian, Bisexual, Questioning, Gender Nonconfirming and Transgender Girls Incarcerated for "Prostitution" OJJDP FY 15 Studies Program on At-Risk or System-Involved Girls Impact Justice CA 2015-GJ-FX-0001 $50,000 Closed
2016 Technical Assistance to End Racial and Ethnic Disparities in the Juvenile Justice System OJJDP FY 16 Training and Technical Assistance Invited Applications The W. Haywood Burns Institute CA 2014-MU-FX-K002 $350,000 Closed
2016 Juvenile Detention Alternatives Initiative (Indian Country Support and Expansion) OJJDP FY 16 Training and Technical Assistance Invited Applications W. Haywood Burns Institute CA 2014-MU-FX-0005 $45,000 Closed
2009 Improving Community Response to CSEC Initiative OJJDP FY 09 Improving Community Response to the Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children County of Alameda CA 2009-MC-CX-K048 $500,000 Closed
2010 A Comparative Study of the Relative Validity, Reliability, Equity, and Cost of Widely Used Assessment Systems OJJDP FY 10 Field Initiated Research and Evaluation Programs National Council On Crime And Delinquency CA 2010-JR-FX-0021 $436,300 Closed
2008 Alameda County Children's Assessment Center OJJDP FY 08 Earmarks Programs Alameda County CA 2008-JL-FX-K002 $447,174 Closed
2010 Alameda County District Attorey's Office, Human Exploitation and Trafficking (HEAT) Unit/HEAT Watch Program OJJDP FY 10 ICAC Program - Law Enforcement Strategies for Protecting Children from Commercial Sexual Exploitation County of Alameda CA 2010-MC-CX-K051 $300,000 Closed
2011 Mentoring for Child Victims of Commercial Sexual Exploitation Initiative OJJDP FY 11 Mentoring for Child Victims of Commercial Sexual Exploitation Initiative Motivating, Inspiring, Supporting and Serving Sexually Explo CA 2011-JU-FX-K001 $500,000 Closed
2009 The Healthcare Education, Assessment & Response Tool for Teen Relationships (HEART) Primer and Training Project OJJDP FY 09 Promoting Child and Youth Safety: Community Initiatives and Public Awareness Public Health Institute CA 2009-MC-CX-K066 $290,000 Closed
2010 Oakland Ceasefire OJJDP FY 10 Community-Based Violence Prevention Demonstration Program City of Oakland CA 2010-PB-FX-K011 $2,216,582 Closed
2012 Request for Continuation Funding for Provision of Technical Assistance to the Defending Childhood Task Force OJJDP FY 12 Child Protection Continuations National Council on Crime and Delinquency CA 2011-DD-BX-K037 $378,860 Closed
2008 Youth Alternative to Violence and Crime OJJDP FY 08 Earmarks Programs Youth UpRising CA 2008-JL-FX-0220 $44,717 Closed
2011 Girls and Gangs. Improving Our Understanding and Ability to Respond OJJDP FY 11 Gang Field Initiated Research and Evaluation Programs National Council on Crime and Delinquency CA 2011-JV-FX-0001 $375,000 Closed
2014 OJJDP Technical Assistance to End Racial and Ethnic Disparities (RED) OJJDP FY 14 Smart on Juvenile Justice: Technical Assistance to End Racial and Ethnic Disparities in the Juvenile Justice System The W. Haywood Burns Institute CA 2014-MU-FX-K002 $752,386 Closed
2011 Oakland C3RS Continuation: Comprehensive Community Cross-System Reentry Support OJJDP FY 11 Demonstration Programs Division Grants Oakland, City of CA 2010-CZ-BX-0066 $375,000 Closed
2009 Evaluating the Effectiveness of the Juvenile Detention Alternatives Initiative to Decrease DMC and Detention of Status Offenders OJJDP FY 09 Field Initiated Research and Evaluation Programs National Council On Crime And Delinquency CA 2009-JF-FX-0072 $500,000 Closed
2012 Oakland C3RS Evaluation Continuation: Comprehensive Community Cross-System Reentry Support OJJDP FY 12 Demonstration Programs Continuation Oakland, City of CA 2010-CZ-BX-0066 $750,000 Closed
2014 Expansion of successful mentoring program for Child Victims of Sexual Exploitation. OJJDP FY 14 Mentoring for Child Victims of Commercial Sexual Exploitation and Domestic Sex Trafficking Initiative: Category 1: Mentoring Project Sites Motivating Inspiring Serving and Supporting Sexually Exploit CA 2014-MC-FX-0007 $420,599 Closed
2008 Interagency Gang Prevention Collaborative: Expanded Coordination for Citywide Collaborative Prevention and Intervention in Oakland OJJDP FY 08 Gang Prevention Coordination Assistance Program Oakland Unified School District CA 2008-JV-FX-0114 $200,000 Closed
2008 Youth Nonviolence Leadership Program OJJDP FY 08 Earmarks Programs Martin Luther King Jr Freedom Center CA 2008-JL-FX-0048 $268,305 Closed