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An official website of the United States government, Department of Justice.

Children's Advocacy Centers

Child Advocacy Studies (CAST) Consortium

The CAST Consortium strengthens the knowledge and skill base of emerging and current members of the child-serving workforce. The Consortium develops and disseminates innovative curricula for mandated reporters across the postsecondary spectrum through professional continuing education. Consortium staff, Child Advocacy Studies academic programs leaders, and Child Advocacy Center service providers will analyze and interpret data gleaned through curricular needs assessments, surveys, and key informant interviews...

Native Child Advocacy Resource Center

The National Native Children's Trauma Center provides training and technical assistance for the expansion of child advocacy centers to improve access and services to American Indian and Alaska Native children, families, and communities.

Southern Regional Children's Advocacy Center

The Southern Regional Children's Advocacy Center provides training and technical assistance to child abuse professionals in communities to support the growth and improvement of coordinated multidisciplinary responses to child abuse.