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OJJDP News @ a Glance, November/December 2020

JUVJUST - OJJDP News @ a Glance, November/December 2020

The Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP) announces the availability of OJJDP News @ a Glance, November/December 2020. This issue's Message From the Administrator reviews OJJDP's major accomplishments from the past year. The top story provides highlights of the Office's nearly $370 million in fiscal year 2020 grants. The Youth Voices section describes the efforts of a member of Oklahoma's state advisory...

OJJDP Tribal Consultation

July 2020
Held on June 25, 2020, OJJDP provided an overview of the Tribal-related provisions of the JJDP Act as amended by the JJRA, facilitated discussions on how OJJDP can work with Tribes to implement provisions, and responded to questions about Tribes access to juvenile justice funding.

Library & Multimedia

Access OJJDP video webinars, publications, fact sheets, annual reports, the NCJRS Virtual Library and other resources. 


Locate upcoming webinars, conferences, and other juvenile justice-related events, including, but not limited to, those sponsored by OJJDP. Each event is reviewed for suitability and the final determination for inclusion is at the sole discretion of OJJDP.

To search an expanded list of upcoming events of interest to the justice and victim assistance communities, visit the Office of Justice Programs' Justice Events webpage.