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OJJDP Programs/Initiatives

October is National Youth Justice Action Month

National Justice Action Month 2021
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On September 30, 2021, President Joseph R. Biden proclaimed October as National Youth Justice Action Month. The observance brings focus to juvenile justice reform and advancing equity and racial justice. The President's Proclamation refers to OJJDP programs that are designed to achieve these goals. Read the President's proclamation.

"During National Youth Justice Action Month, I call upon states and communities to join me in...

OJJDP FY 2020 Juvenile Justice and Mental Health Collaboration Program

Closing Date
The Juvenile Justice and Mental Health Collaboration Program (JJMHCP) supports proposals to develop and implement a cross-system collaborative approach to improve responses and outcomes for youth with mental illness (MI) and co-occurring MI and substance abuse (CMISA) who come into contact with the juvenile justice system.

OJJDP FY 2020 Reducing the Use of Isolation in Juvenile Facilities

Closing Date
The Reducing the Use of Isolation in Juvenile Facilities program will provide funding to support states, territories, units of local government, and federally recognized Tribes to implement strategies to safely reduce the use of isolation in juvenile facilities.

OJJDP FY 2020 Juvenile Justice System Enhancements

Closing Date
The Juvenile Justice System Enhancements program will support efforts to enhance systems that address public safety by holding offenders accountable and supporting child victims. This includes the juvenile justice system as well as those agencies responsible for investigating and prosecuting online child exploitation.

OJJDP FY 2020 Opioid Affected Youth Initiative

Closing Date
This program will support the efforts of states, communities, Tribal jurisdictions, nonprofit organizations, for-profit organizations and institutions of higher education to implement programs and strategies that identify, respond to, treat, and support children, youth, and families impacted by the opioid epidemic.

OJJDP FY 2020 National Gang Center

Closing Date
OJJDP will award a cooperative agreement to continue the activities of the National Gang Center (NGC), which provides training and technical assistance to OJP-funded programs and communities across the country to address the issues of youth gun and gang violence. NGC tracks current research and trends on gangs and maintains a database of comprehensive information on the development and implementation of effective gang prevention, intervention...


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