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Performance Measures

Doucefleur / shutterstock.com (see reuse policy).

Fiscal Year 2020 and forward Performance Measures


In addition to submitting performance measures data, applicants will be required to answer a set of progress report questions regarding the activities in their award.  These progress report questions ask about:

  • Progress made since the last report on the application goals and objectives.
  • Any adjustments to the applicant proposal plan.
  • Challenges experienced in implementing the program and how they were resolved.
  • Any technical assistance needed from OJJDP for program implementation.
  • Descriptions of the impact of the OJJDP funded activities.

As a reminder, you do not need to submit any performance measures or progress report information with your application to OJJDP.

Click on the links below to access the corresponding performance measures. Note: the name of the performance measure may not match the title in the notice of funding opportunity.

Progress Reporting Questions

This form includes all the progress reporting questions grantees are required to report as part of their federal award. 

Performance Measures Feedback Form

We want to hear from you.  Fill out the OJJDP Performance Measures Feedback Form with comments or concerns related to the newly revised OJJDP Performance Measures.  All forms should be submitted to [email protected]. Use the subject line: Performance Measures Feedback Form.