Multidisciplinary teams
Multidisciplinary Team Response to Child Sex Trafficking
Albuquerque, NM
Victims of Child Abuse Act – National American Indian Alaska Native Subgrants Program
Targeted Outreach to State Legislatures on Juvenile Justice
EZTools & KAPE Training Development and Delivery Project
Training and Technical Assistance Project To Expand Children's Advocacy Centers Serving American Indian/Alaska Native Communities
Building the Capacity of Undergraduate and Graduate Programs to Train Child Protection Personnel
Zero Abuse will survey frontline professionals, child advocacy center (CAC) leadership, and academic faculty to update its current Child Advocacy Studies (CAST) program plan and course content. Zero Abuse also will develop six CAST toolkits tailored for undergraduate and graduate CAST courses to allow schools to provide education that leads to more qualified graduates being hired into child-serving, child protection-centered professions. Zero Abuse also will...