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An official website of the United States government, Department of Justice.

Easy Access to Juvenile Court Statistics: 1985-2021

a product of the Statistical Briefing Book
tadamichi / shutterstock.com (see reuse policy).

Recent data changes

March 2018

In preparing the 2015 estimates, the project improved the coverage of detention data used to generate national estimates. As a result of this change, detention data prior to 2005 is no longer compatible with data for 2005 and later. Several data presentations within this application have been modified to account for this change. Specifically, the tables available from the "Demographics" and "Case Processing" sections have been modified to display detention information for the 2005-present data period.

Users interested in detention information prior to 2005 should contact the National Juvenile Court Data Archive [[email protected]].

March 2017

With the release of the 2014 data in March 2017, detailed race estimates developed by the National Juvenile Court Data Archive project were expanded to include estimates for cases involving Hispanic youth for data years 2005-2014. This change had an impact on certain data displays available in this application. Visit the Changes to race coding section of the methods page for more information.

Contact Us

National Center for Juvenile Justice
3700 South Water Street, Suite 200
Pittsburgh, Pa 15203
Phone: (412) 227-6950
Fax: (412) 227-6955

EZAJCS Highlights

  • More than 40 million delinquency cases
  • From the data analysis tools family
  • Analysis of national estimates
  • Demographic characteristics of youth

Data Tools

Web-based data analysis tools available through the SBB. Developed for OJJDP by NCJJ. Recent, detailed information on juvenile crime and the juvenile justice system. Create national, state, and county tables on juvenile populations, arrests, court cases, and custody populations.


Developed and maintained by the National Center for Juvenile Justice, with funding from the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP), Office of Justice Programs, U.S. Department of Justice.

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