Need help creating a table with Easy Access to Juvenile Court Statistics (EZAJCS)? Start here.
EZAJCS allows users to perform crosstabular analyses of national estimates of delinquency cases processed by the nation's juvenile courts.
Getting started
The Analyze Delinquency Cases page contains two pull-down menus, labeled Row Variable and Column Variable, respectively. These options allow you to select the variables to be displayed in the analysis. One Row and Column variable must be selected.
The Selection Criteria table appears beneath the Row and Column variable pull-down menus. This table displays the values of the variables contained in the database and allows you to select a subset of records for analysis. If no selections are made, all records will be included in the analysis (this is the default setting). If one or more values are selected only records with the selected characteristics will be included in the analysis.
Performing analysis
The following example steps you through the procedure for analyzing the Juvenile Court Statistics database.
EXAMPLE 1: Suppose you are interested in trends in the number of female delinquency cases handled by the nation's juvenile courts. To perform this analysis, follow these steps.
Step 1: Determine the required variables based on your topic. In this example, there are 2 variables of interest, Year of Disposition and Sex.
Step 2: Select "Year of Disposition" from the row variable pull down menu.
Step 3: Select "Sex" from the column variable pull down menu.
Step 4: Click the "Show Table" button to perform the analysis.
Navigating the analysis results screen
All display tables from EZAJCS contain the following information:
Table Title (displayed above the table): Indicates the variables used in the analysis. The Row and Column variables are separated with "by."
Selection Criteria box (when necessary): Displayed beneath the table title and indicates which (if any) specific values were chosen on the Selection page.
Display options
By default, all output tables from EZAJCS display the estimated number of cases. These results can be converted to row and column percents using the options presented in the blue horizontal divider located beneath the tabs.
Saving the results of your analysis
EZAJCS allows you to save the results of your analysis in a tab-delimited text file that can be imported into spreadsheet or word-processing software.
Click on the "Download data" link located above the table display. When prompted by your browser, select the "save to disk" option. Specify a location and filename in the dialog box. Note: By default, tables downloaded from EZAJCS will have a ".csv" extension. You can change this extension (e.g., to .txt).
The text file contains a recommended citation, table title and selection criteria, and the counts (i.e., number of cases) from your analysis. You will need to use spreadsheet software to calculate row and column percents or to create graphs.
Printing the results of your analysis
For best results, use the "Printer-friendly" option located at the top right of the screen to print your results. Your current screen display will be sent to the default printer assigned to your machine.
Performing analyses on a subset of cases
EXAMPLE 2: Suppose you are interested in the dispositional trends for adjudicated drug offenses. To perform this analysis, follow these steps.
Step 1: Determine the required variables based on your topic. In this example, there are 2 variables of interest, Year of Disposition and Disposition.
Step 2: Select "Year of Disposition" from the row pull down menu.
Step 3: Select "Disposition" from the column pull down menu.
NOTE: This example requires that we restrict our analysis to adjudicated drug cases. As such, we must use the selection criteria table to focus our analysis.
Step 4: First locate the section named "Adjudication" in the selection criteria table and place a check mark in the box next to "Adjudicated." Next, locate the section named "Referral offense" and place a check mark in the box next to "Drugs."
Step 5: Click the "Show Table" button. This performs the analysis of Year of Disposition by Disposition for adjudicated drug cases.
Contact Us
National Center for Juvenile Justice
3700 South Water Street, Suite 200
Pittsburgh, Pa 15203
Phone: (412) 227-6950
Fax: (412) 227-6955
EZAJCS Highlights
- More than 40 million delinquency cases
- From the data analysis tools family
- Analysis of national estimates
- Demographic characteristics of youth
Developed and maintained by the National Center for Juvenile Justice, with funding from the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP), Office of Justice Programs, U.S. Department of Justice.
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