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An official website of the United States government, Department of Justice.

Statistical Briefing Book

Access Data Analysis Tools about juvenile crime, victimization, and the juvenile justice system.
tadamichi / shutterstock.com (see reuse policy).

Data Analysis Tools

Easy Access to Juvenile Populations (1990-2022)

provides access to National, State, and County level population data detailed by age, sex, race, and Hispanic ethnicity. Users can view population profiles for a single jurisdiction or create State Comparison or County Comparison tables. This application was updated on 7/31/2024.

Easy Access to the FBI’s Supplementary Homicide Reports (1980-2020)

lets users access more than three decades of national and State data on homicide victims and homicide offenders, including information on the age, sex, and race of both victims and offenders, the victim-offender relationship, and the type of weapon used. This application was updated on 12/9/2021.

Easy Access to NIBRS Victims (2016)

[formerly "Easy Access to NIBRS: Victims of Domestic Violence"] allows users to analyze state-level data on victims of domestic violence as well as victims of all types of violence based on information collected by the FBI's National Incident-Based Reporting System (NIBRS). Users can explore the characteristics of victims, including demographic information of the victim (age, sex, and race), victim injury, and the victim-offender relationship. Data are based on incidents reported in 2016 from law enforcement agencies in more than 30 states. This application was updated on 10/22/2018.

Easy Access to FBI Arrest Statistics (1994-2014)

provides access to National, State, and County level arrest statistics. Users can choose between displays of arrests and arrest rates for juveniles (persons under age 18), adults, or all ages combined. Displays present arrest statistics in 29 detailed offense categories. This application was updated on 8/7/2017.

Easy Access to Juvenile Court Statistics (1985-2021)

lets users access data on juvenile court processing of more than 40 million delinquency cases, including information on the age, sex, and race of youth involved, the use of detention, adjudication and disposition. This data analysis tool also includes pre-formatted tables describing the demographic characteristics of youth involved in the juvenile justice system and how juvenile courts process these cases. This application was updated on 12/22/2023.

Easy Access to State and County Juvenile Court Case Counts (1997-2021)

gives users quick access to the State and county juvenile court case counts for delinquency, status offense, and dependency cases. This application was updated on 12/22/2023.

Easy Access to the Census of Juveniles in Residential Placement (1997-2023) 

was developed to facilitate independent analysis of national data on the characteristics of youth held in residential placement facilities, including detailed information about the youth's age, sex, race/ethnicity, placement status, length of stay, and most serious offense. This data analysis tool includes a large set of pre-defined tables detailing the characteristics of juvenile offenders in custody (age, sex, race/ethnicity, offense, type of facility, and placement status). Users can view profiles for a single jurisdiction or State Comparison tables. This application was updated on 3/17/2025.

Juvenile Residential Facility Census Databook (2000-2022)

was developed to facilitate independent analysis of national data on the characteristics of youth residential placement facilities, including detailed information about facility operation, classification, size, and capacity. Users can view profiles for a single jurisdiction or State Comparison tables. This application was updated on 6/30/2024.


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Date Created: May 14, 2021