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Past Funding

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This page provides access to past funding opportunities from OJJDP. Use the search filters below to help you find results for specific solicitations. From the results, select a solicitation title to view details about the opportunity as well as any resulting awards.

OJJDP FY 17 ICAC Task Forces Invited Applications

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The goals and objectives of the Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force are to: maintaining and expanding state and regional ICAC task forces to prevent, interdict, investigate, and prosecute Internet crimes against children and technology-facilitated child exploitation; and improving task force effectiveness to prevent, interdict, investigate, and prosecute Internet crimes against children technology-facilitated child exploitation.

OJJDP FY 17 Youth with Sexual Behavior Problems Program

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The Youth with Sexual Behavior Problems (YSBP) Program provides support to agencies that use a comprehensive, multidisciplinary approach to provide intervention and supervision services for youth with sexual behavior problems and treatment services for their child victims and families. Award recipients will target services for youth with sexual behavior problems, their child victim(s), and parents/caregivers of the offending youth and child victims.

OJJDP FY 2017 Defending Childhood American Indian/Alaska Native Policy Initiative: Supporting Trauma-Informed Juvenile Justice Systems for Tribes

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This American Indian/Alaska Native Policy Initiative (policy initiative) is designed to increase the capacity of Tribes to enhance their juvenile justice and related child serving systems, such as child welfare and education, and to improve the lives of Tribal youth exposed to violence. The proposed enhancements that Tribes will implement must align with key recommendations from the report of the Attorney General's Advisory committee on American Indian/Alaska Native Children Exposed to Violence, including: Recommendation 4.2.

OJJDP FY 17 Juvenile Justice Emergency Planning Demonstration Program

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In 2009, the National Commission on Children and Disasters recommended that OJJDP assess the emergency preparedness among state, county, and local juvenile justice systems. OJJDP's assessment found that juvenile justice emergency preparedness plans predominately focused on basic continuity of operations rather than comprehensive emergency planning, response, and recovery. The specific needs of children, youth, and families involved in the justice system during an emergency were typically not addressed or were a low priority.

OJJDP FY 17 Juvenile Justice Systems Reform Promising Practices

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OJJDP envisions a nation where our children are healthy, educated, and free from violence. If they come into contact with the juvenile justice system, that contact should be rare, fair, and beneficial to them. OJJDP supports states and communities in their efforts to develop and implement effective and coordinated prevention and intervention programs and to improve the juvenile justice system so that it protects public safety, holds justice-involved youth appropriately accountable, and provides treatment and rehabilitative services tailored to the needs of youth and their families.

OJJDP FY 17 Family Drug Court Statewide System Reform Implementation Program

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The Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP) is seeking to implement effective family drug court practices established at the local level through family drug courts and institutionalize those practices in the larger state-level child welfare, substance abuse treatment, and court systems.

OJJDP FY 17 VOCA TTA for Child Abuse Professionals

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The Victims of Child Abuse (VOCA) Training and Technical Assistance for Child Abuse Professionals Program provides funding to enhance the coordinated multidisciplinary investigation and prosecution of child abuse through training, technical assistance, and information resources that emphasize the implementation of developmentally-appropriate, trauma-informed, and evidence-based programs, and policies and practices.

OJJDP FY 17 National Incidence Studies of Missing Children Reported to Law Enforcement

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This program will test strategies and work to produce national estimates of missing children reported to law enforcement in response to the Congressional mandate: The administrator [OJJDP]shall triennially conduct national incidence studies to determine for a given year the actual number of children who are abducted by strangers, the number of children who are victims of parental kidnappings, and the number of children who are recovered each year. Missing Children's Assistance Act PL98-473 Section 404(b)(3).

OJJDP FY 17 Juvenile Drug Treatment Court Program

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This solicitation will support juvenile drug treatment courts to implement system changes, service delivery, and programming enhancements that are in alignment with the Juvenile Drug Treatment Court Guidelines (JDTC Guidelines) that OJJDP anticipates releasing by the end of 2016. The new JDTC Guidelines will provide juvenile courts with an evidence-based, treatment-oriented approach that emphasizes family engagement and addresses the substance use and often co-occurring mental health challenges experienced by the youth.

OJJDP FY 17 Changing Minds: Professional Development and Public Education to Address Children Exposed to Violence and Childhood Trauma

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To extend and continue the important work done to date in educating the public and in professional development on children exposed to violence, OJJDP invites applications to provide training, technical assistance, and resources to state, local, and Tribal professionals who work with at-risk children and justice-involved youth in three discrete categories of funding, as described following: Category 1: Master Trainings/Training of Trainers on CEV and childhood trauma for educators and educational administrators in public school and correctional and alternative education settings based on the

OJJDP FY 2017 Safe and Thriving Communities: Planning and Collaboration

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The purpose of Safe and Thriving Communities is to reduce communities' youth-related gun crime and gang violence in the most violent neighborhoods across this country. Funding will be available to jurisdictions for planning and collaboration. Awards will be provided to develop capacity to collectively combating community and related violence through multi-disciplinary and community partnerships, balanced and restorative approaches, data-driven solutions, and strategic coordinated action at both the policy and practice levels.

OJJDP FY 17 Tribal Youth Leadership Initiative

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The award recipient will build on the successes of the past OJJDP National Intertribal Youth Leadership Summits and further expand the types of leadership development support that OJJDP offers to Tribal youth. This initiative aims to enhance Tribal efforts to increase youth engagement, coordination, and action related to juvenile justice, delinquency prevention, and public safety in Indian country.

OJJDP FY 17 Mentoring Opportunities for Youth

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This solicitation supports applicant organizations as they strengthen and/or expand their existing mentoring activities with active chapters or subawardees and/or other mentoring organizations. Mentoring activities include direct one-on-one, group, peer, or a combination of these types of mentoring services for at-risk and underserved youth populations. Mentoring promotes positive behaviors, attitudes, and outcomes for youth and reduces risk factors.

OJJDP FY 17 Smart on Juvenile Justice: Enhancing Youth Access to Justice Initiative

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This initiative is composed of three categories listed below. Eligible applicants are limited to nonprofit organizations having a 501(c)(3) exemption with the Internal Revenue Service; for-profit organizations, including Tribal nonprofit and for-profit organizations; and institutions of higher education, including Tribal institutions of higher education. For-profit organizations must agree to forgo any profit or management fee. Category 1: Training and Technical Assistance.

OJJDP FY 17 Racial and Ethnic Disparity Training and Technical Assistance

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The project will support the implementation of a major OJJDP initiative to address racial and ethnic disparities in the juvenile justice system, further strengthening OJJDP's support for the core requirement to reduce disproportionate minority contact of youth with the juvenile justice system.

OJJDP FY 17 Mentoring Research Partners Solicitation

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This program will support researchers who seek to partner with OJJDP-funded mentoring organizations to conduct program-specific data collection and evaluation and improve mentoring organizations' ability to collect and analyze program-specific data and measures about the delivery and impact of their mentoring services. The successful researcher applicants would also assist the program in using their data/evaluation findings to make programmatic adjustments.

OJJDP FY 17 Smart on Juvenile Justice: Out of Home Placement

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The FY 2017 Smart on Juvenile Justice: Reducing Out-of-Home Placement program will strengthen and expand the use of community-based alternatives to out-of-home placement and minimize approaches based solely on control and deterrence in favor of individualized treatment and services.

OJJDP FY 17 Missing and Exploited Children Training and Technical Assistance

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The Missing and Exploited Children's Training and Technical Assistance (MEC TTA) Program provides assistance to prosecutors, state and local law enforcement and child protection personnel, medical providers, and other child-serving professionals to strengthen multidisciplinary responses to and improve prosecution of child victimization cases. OJJDP funds the MEC TTA Program to build the capacity of state and local agencies and to encourage the development and implementation of best practices related to the investigation and prosecution of cases of missing and exploited children.

OJJDP FY 17 Community Level Youth Violence Prevention Research and Evaluation Program

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This program will support methodologically rigorous research and evaluations that inform programs, policies, and strategies consistent with the Department of Justice's mission. OJJDP will fund field-initiated studies with practical implications for efforts to prevent and reduce youth violence (including gun and gang violence) and violence exposure at the community level.