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Past Funding

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This page provides access to past funding opportunities from OJJDP. Use the search filters below to help you find results for specific solicitations. From the results, select a solicitation title to view details about the opportunity as well as any resulting awards.

OJJDP FY 15 VOCA Children's Advocacy Centers Subgrant Program

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This program will provide funding to manage a national grant awards program for local children’s advocacy center programs. The successful applicant will operate a national grants program that OJJDP will fund for local children’s advocacy centers, state chapters, and multidisciplinary teams that provide a coordinated investigation and comprehensive response to child abuse.

OJJDP FY 15 Bridging Research and Practice Project to Advance Juvenile Justice and Safety

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The purpose of this project is to collect and analyze current research findings and develop resources for the juvenile justice field (practitioners, administrators and policymakers) that identify and synthesize relevant research findings and evidence into actionable practice strategies. This project will look across all juvenile justice research and provide technical support to the field in translating this research into policy and practice actions to “put the best of what we know in juvenile justice into action”.

OJJDP FY 15 National Juvenile Court Data Archive

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The National Juvenile Court Data Archive (the Archive) houses the automated records of cases that courts with juvenile jurisdiction have handled. This solicitation will fund the annual collection, verification, and analysis of data that documents the activities of the juvenile justice court system and its response to law-violating and at-risk youth. The Archive will disseminate information on juvenile court case processing through Juvenile Court Statistics reports and fact sheets and make national and state-level data publicly accessible online.

OJJDP FY 15 VOCA Training and Technical Assistance for Child Abuse Prosecutors

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This program will fund a national training and technical assistance program to enhance the effectiveness of attorneys and others who investigate and prosecute child abuse cases. The successful applicant will provide training and technical assistance, develop and disseminate publications, promote methods to provide project assessment and increase coordination among VOCA programs.

OJJDP FY 15 VOCA Training and Technical Assistance for Child Abuse Professionals

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This program will provide funding to develop and operate a model national training and technical assistance program for child abuse professionals to enhance the coordinated multidisciplinary investigation and response to child abuse and to improve the judicial system’s handling of child abuse and neglect cases. The successful applicant will provide training and technical assistance, develop and disseminate publications and information resources, promote methods to provide project assessment and increase coordination among VOCA programs and other strategic collaborations.

OJJDP FY 15 Design Study of Dual System Youth

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The purpose of this solicitation is to conduct a study as to whether national estimates can be calculated on the number of "crossover," dual-system served, or multi-system involved youth and how best to coordinate data systems to inform service delivery across the child welfare and juvenile justice systems.

OJJDP FY 15 Court-Appointed Special Advocates (CASA) Membership and Accreditation Program and Training and Technical Assistance

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The Victims of Child Abuse Act of 1990, as amended (Public Law 101-647), contemplates that all abused and neglected children involved in dependency proceedings receive timely, sensitive, and effective advocacy. The Act directs that a court-appointed special advocate shall be available to every victim of child abuse or neglect in the United States that needs such an advocate. The Court-Appointed Special Advocates (CASA) Program ensures that abused and neglected children receive high quality representation in dependency court hearings.

OJJDP FY 15 VOCA Children's Advocacy Centers Membership and Accreditation Program

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This solicitation supports the operation of a national membership organization for children’s advocacy centers, multidisciplinary teams, and professionals. Specifically, the successful applicant will plan and conduct an annual membership meeting and other training conferences for member organizations, provide structure and support for establishing membership criteria and processes, develop and implement a strategic plan for the membership organization, and facilitate communication among member organizations.

OJJDP FY 15 Tribal Youth Program Training and Technical Assistance

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The Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention's (OJJDP) Tribal Youth Training and Technical Assistance Center provides culturally appropriate training, support, resources, information, and other related technical assistance to OJJDP's Tribal grantees and all federally recognized American Indian and Alaska Native Tribes. This training and technical assistance focuses on capacity and infrastructure building, Tribal youth-specific programming, and works in collaboration with OJJDP's related training and technical assistance efforts and providers.

OJJDP FY 12 Juvenile Accountability Block Grant

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The Juvenile Accountability Block Grants (JABG) program supports states and units of local government in their efforts to strengthen their juvenile justice systems. To apply for FY 2012 JABG funds, participating states must follow the application process detailed in this solicitation.

OJJDP FY 11 Title II Formula Grants Program

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This announcement contains instructions applicable to the FY 2011 Title II Formula Grants application and the FY 2011 plan update.

OJJDP FY 15 Youth Violence Prevention Coordinated Technical Assistance Program

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The FY 2015 Unified Youth Violence Prevention Training and Technical Assistance program is designed to support prevention and reduction of youth violence and promotion of child, youth and family wellbeing in sites through strategic and focused TTA. The UVYP TTA provider will achieve this by brokering and/or directly making available a full range of high-quality, cost effective, and comprehensive training and technical assistance resources to the 33 communities and Tribes funded as part of Defending Childhood, the Forum and the CBVP Program.

OJJDP FY 15 Nonparticipating State Program: Wyoming

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Wyoming has chosen not to participate in the Formula Grants program under Title II, Part B of
the Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Act (JJDP Act). As such, the state is ineligible
to receive the FY 2015 Title II Formula Grants program allocation authorized under Sections
221-23 of the JJDP Act (42 U.S.C. Sections 5631-33). Accordingly, OJJDP will competitively
award the state’s allocation through the Nonparticipating State Program: Wyoming, pursuant to
42 U.S.C. Sec. 5633(d).

OJJDP FY 15 Second Chance Act Strengthening Relationships Between Young Fathers and Their Children: A Reentry Mentoring Project

Date Posted
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The FY 2015 Second Chance Act Strengthening Relationships Between Young Fathers and Their Children: A Reentry Mentoring Project helps ensure that the transition young fathers make from secure confinement facilities back to their families and their communities is successful and promotes public safety. This solicitation will fund mentoring and comprehensive transitional services, emphasizing developing parenting skills, to offenders who are young fathers.