Juveniles and law enforcement
OJJDP News @ a Glance, November 2024
Building and Improving Relationships between Youth and Law Enforcement (Day 2)
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Building and Improving Relationships between Youth and Law Enforcement (Day 1)
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Register for Virtual Training To Build Relationships Between Youth and Law Enforcement
On August 5-6, 2024, the National District Attorneys Association (NDAA) will host a 2-day virtual juvenile justice training: "Building and Improving Relationships between Youth and Law Enforcement: Strategies for Effective Programs and Collaborations."
The event will feature presentations from police departments and nonprofit organizations that run programs focused on developing and improving relationships between youth and law enforcement. Topics will include:
- The...
Building and Improving Relationships between Youth and Law Enforcement: Strategies for Effective Programs and Collaborations
Looking Back: OJJDP's Teleconference Series
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STEP UP Texas: Improving Juvenile Justice Outcomes with Trauma-Informed and Restorative Practices Training
DE FY23 Title II Formula Grants Program
Model Programs Guide Literature Review: Community-Oriented Policing and Problem-Oriented Policing
OJJDP FY 2022 Title II Formula Grants Program
National Gang Center
Delaware's OJJDP FY 2021 Title II Formula Grants Program
Attitudes toward legal actors among dual system youth
National Gang Center
Madison County Juvenile Drug Court Enhancement Project.
Learn How to Assess Student Behavior Threats in Schools
Sign up for the "Behavior Threat Assessment and Management" webinar presented by the National Sheriffs' Association School Safety Committee on April 20, 2021, at 2 p.m. ET.
This free webinar aims to help schools and law enforcement evaluate threatening student behavior and manage potential risk. Learn how schools and law enforcement can work together to establish a behavior threat assessment and management team to successfully intervene...