Child abuse investigations
Training and Technical Assistance Project To Expand Children's Advocacy Centers Serving American Indian/Alaska Native Communities
The Alaska Children's Alliance provides training and technical assistance to Alaska's children's advocacy centers and communities interested in developing a multi-disciplinary response to child maltreatment.
Native Child Advocacy Resource Center
The National Native Children's Trauma Center provides training and technical assistance for the expansion of child advocacy centers to improve access and services to American Indian and Alaska Native children, families, and communities.
Targeted Outreach to State Legislatures on Juvenile Justice
The National Conference of State Legislatures will educate and inform state legislatures as they review and reform juvenile justice systems and policy.
EZTools & KAPE Training Development and Delivery Project
This project will result in a new graphical-based program incorporating the capabilities of four existing command line-based tools into one interface for investigating and prosecuting child sexual exploitation cases.
Training and Technical Assistance Project To Expand Children's Advocacy Centers Serving American Indian/Alaska Native Communities
The Alaska Children's Alliance is the accredited state chapter of the National Children's Alliance and provides training and technical assistance to Alaska's children's advocacy centers and communities interested in developing a multidisciplinary response to child maltreatment.
Interviewing Children with Disabilities Webinar
December 2022
Prosecutors and other multidisciplinary team professionals charged with interviewing children for alleged abuse are likely to encounter children with developmental disabilities or other special needs. In this webinar that was held November 30, 2022, rates of victimization of children with special needs were provided and factors that increase risk of abuse for children with disabilities were discussed.
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Specialized Forensics and Technology Training Project
Funding First Awarded
Advanced Experiential Child Exploitation Training Project
Funding First Awarded
Children’s Abilities to Date Events
Date Published
May 2020
Publication Type
Attorney's Questioning of Children (Part 1)
Date Published
October 2019
Publication Type
Interviewing Children on the Spectrum
Date Published
July 2019
Publication Type