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Past Funding

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This page provides access to past funding opportunities from OJJDP. Use the search filters below to help you find results for specific solicitations. From the results, select a solicitation title to view details about the opportunity as well as any resulting awards.

OJJDP FY 2020 Missing and Exploited Children Training and Technical Assistance Program

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Through this program, OJJDP seeks to improve and expand the development and implementation of training and technical assistance on effective responses to missing and exploited children's issues for multidisciplinary teams of prosecutors, state and local law enforcement, child protection personnel, medical providers, and other child-serving professionals. Additionally, this program will provide support for the implementation of all National Missing Children's Day activities.

OJJDP FY 2020 National Gang Center

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OJJDP will award a cooperative agreement to continue the activities of the National Gang Center (NGC), which provides training and technical assistance to OJP-funded programs and communities across the country to address the issues of youth gun and gang violence. NGC tracks current research and trends on gangs and maintains a database of comprehensive information on the development and implementation of effective gang prevention, intervention, and suppression strategies. Find more information at www.nationalgangcenter.gov.

OJJDP FY 2020 Enhancing Juvenile Indigent Defense

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The Enhancing Juvenile Indigent Defense program will support states and localities in developing and implementing strategies to improve juvenile indigent defense. The goal of this program is to implement enhancements that improve juvenile indigent defense. Program objectives are to ensure that youth involved with the juvenile justice system have access to legal representation and access to resources that address the collateral consequences of justice system involvement.

DOJ FY 2020 Coordinated Tribal Assistance Solicitation (CTAS)

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The U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) is seeking applications for funding to improve public safety and victim services in Tribal communities. This solicitation provides federally recognized Tribes and Tribal consortia an opportunity to apply for funding to aid in developing a comprehensive and coordinated approach to public safety and victimization.

OJJDP FY 20 Title II

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The OJJDP FY 2020 Title II Formula Grants Program provides funding to support state and local efforts to plan, establish, operate, coordinate, and evaluate policies and projects, directly or through grants and contracts with public and private agencies, for the development of more effective education, training, research, prevention, diversion, treatment, and rehabilitation programs, as well as justice system improvement efforts.

OJJDP FY 19 Non Participating State Program

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Pursuant to 42 U.S.C. 5633(d), if a state fails to submit a plan or submits a plan that does not meet the requirements of the JJDP Act, the OJJDP Administrator shall endeavor to make the Formula Grants program fund allocation available to local public or private nonprofit agencies within the state. The NPS program funds local public or private agencies to carry out activities that support compliance with the requirements of 42 U.S.C. 5633(a)(11), (12), and (13).

OJJDP FY 19 Prison Rape Elimination Act (PREA)

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PREA is used for the purpose of enabling the State to adopt, and achieve full compliance with [the] National standards, so as to ensure that a certification [of full compliance] may be submitted in future years [42 U.S.C. 15607(e)(2)(B)].

OJJDP FY 19 Title II

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This Title II Formula Grants program provides funding to States to support delinquency prevention activities, compliance with JJDP Act requirements, and evidence-based improvements in state juvenile justice systems.

OJJDP FY 19 Strengthening Investigative Tools and Technology for Combating Child Sexual Exploitation

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This program will increase technological investigative capacity and associated training for law enforcement and prosecutorial agencies. This solicitation will particularly focus on supporting the development, refinement, and advancement of widely used investigative tools, methods and technologies that address child pornography, exploitation and sex trafficking.

OJJDP FY 19 Second Chance Act Youth Offender Reentry Program

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The Second Chance Act (SCA) Youth Offender Reentry Program will help juvenile participants released from residential confinement to successfully transition back into society. This solicitation will support the delivery of a variety of evidence-based services while the offender is still confined and during his or her reentry into the community to ensure that the juvenile’s transition is safe and successful.

OJJDP FY 19 Supporting Effective Interventions for Adolescent Sex Offenders and Youth with Sexual Behavior Problems

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This program will fund project sites to develop a community-based, multidisciplinary, comprehensive approach to responding to youth with sexual behavior problems, their child victims, and their families as well as a training and technical assistance provider to support project sites in developing intervention models. The purpose of this program is to prevent sexual reoffending, promote healing, and provide services for victims and families. The program will focus on interfamilial and/or coresidential child victims and youth with problematic sexual behaviors.

OJJDP FY 19 Youth Gang Suppression Implementation Grants Program

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The purpose of this program is to support jurisdictions with an established gang presence to coordinate gang suppression efforts and activities by prosecutorial and law enforcement agencies. OJJDP has a long history of supporting community efforts to combat gang crime. Through OJJDP's Comprehensive Gang Model, communities can implement a comprehensive approach to gang crime and youth violence reduction. Suppression is a key component of OJJDP's Comprehensive Gang Model. Focused deterrence and suppression strategies can dissuade individuals and gangs from committing crimes.

OJJDP FY 19 Youth Gang Desistance/Diversion Grant Program

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This solicitation will focus on targeted efforts to reduce gang activity by focusing on strategies to disrupt recruitment and incentivize desistance by supporting programs that offer alternative support mechanisms for youth. Law enforcement and prosecutorial agencies will be critical partners for this proposed initiative. Funding to prosecutorial and law enforcement agencies would support diversion activities as well as targeted incentives such as tattoo removal and life skill training for youthful gang members seeking to desist from gang activity.

OJJDP FY 19 Addressing the Training Needs of Juvenile Prosecutors

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The FY 2019 Addressing the Training Needs of Juvenile Prosecutors program will fund state agencies responsible for administering, managing, or overseeing the training, education, and professional development needs of juvenile prosecutors and their support staff. The juvenile prosecutor's office has a need for legal training because of the specialized nature of juvenile and family law. This funding will allow states to develop or supplement existing training and/or professional development that is tailored to the unique needs and challenges related to juvenile prosecution.

OJJDP FY 19 Supporting Victims of Gang Violence Grant Program

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The purpose of this program is to support the efforts of communities to promote justice and healing for juvenile victims and their families as well as witnesses that have been affected by gang violence in their community. Under this initiative, organizations working closely with the criminal justice system will provide comprehensive victim assistance services to ensure that youth (and their families) impacted by gang violence are not further traumatized and have adequate supports to feel safe in their community.

OJJDP FY 19 Juvenile Drug Treatment Court Program

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This program will support jurisdictions that want to implement a juvenile drug treatment court or jurisdictions that want to enhance their assessment processes and their treatment models. Category 1: JDTC Planning is designed to educate an interdisciplinary team on how to effectively plan and implement a juvenile drug treatment court.