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An official website of the United States government, Department of Justice.

Juvenile justice

OJJDP FY 15 Police and Youth Engagement: Supporting the Role of Law Enforcement in Juvenile Justice Reform

Closing Date
The mission of the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP) is to provide national leadership, coordination, and resources to prevent and respond to juvenile delinquency and victimization. To fulfill this mission, OJJDP collaborates with professionals from diverse disciplines to improve juvenile justice practices and policies. In response to recent events that have brought national attention to a need for enhanced trust between local...

OJJDP FY 15 Juvenile Justice Model Data Project

Closing Date

This project will identify critical information requirements across the juvenile justice system (e.g., victimization, community wellness, law enforcement, diversion, detention, indigent defense, prosecution, adjudication, transfer to criminal court, corrections, reentry, and recidivism). It will develop model data elements with recommended definitions and coding categories that administrative data systems and other juvenile justice-related data collection efforts (e.g., community surveys) can adopt. The award recipient will also...

OJJDP FY 15 National Juvenile Court Data Archive

Closing Date

The National Juvenile Court Data Archive (the Archive) houses the automated records of cases that courts with juvenile jurisdiction have handled. This solicitation will fund the annual collection, verification, and analysis of data that documents the activities of the juvenile justice court system and its response to law-violating and at-risk youth. The Archive will disseminate information on juvenile court case processing through Juvenile Court Statistics...