Juvenile court diversion
Kentucky Juvenile Justice Reform Evaluation: Assessing the Effects of SB 200 on Youth Dispositional Outcomes and Racial and Ethnic Disparities, Appendices
Graduated Sanctions: An Effective Intervention Strategy for Addressing Delinquency Videoconference
OJJDP Report: A Discussion with J. Robert Flores Videoconference
State of Juvenile Detention in Pennsylvania, 2003
The Intersection of Juvenile Courts and Exclusionary School Discipline
Delinquency Cases in Juvenile Court, 2016
Registration Open for Global Youth Justice Training
On June 18-20, 2019, Global Youth Justice, in collaboration with the National African American Drug Policy Coalition, will host its 22nd Global Youth Justice Training in Las Vegas, NV. Participants will learn strategies to establish or enhance local volunteer-driven juvenile justice and youth justice diversion programs called Youth/Teen/Student/Peer Court or Peer Jury. Training will address administrative, operational, programmatic, and fiscal topics related...
Model Programs Guide: Implementation Guide: Diversion Programs
Washington State FY 2018 Title II State Plan
Escondido Education COMPACT's Project Hero
OJJDP Launches Diversion Programs I-Guide
OJJDP has released the Diversion Programs I-Guide on the Model Programs Guide. The I-Guides(Implementation Guides) enhance the information and resources available on the Model Programs Guide to better support users before they implement evidence-based juvenile justice intervention and prevention programs. The Diversion Programs I-Guide provides an overview of the common implementation process for diversion programs and synthesizes research findings across 10 steps communities...