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Child abuse/neglect

Building the Capacity of Undergraduate and Graduate Programs to Train Child Protection Personnel

Zero Abuse will survey frontline professionals, child advocacy center (CAC) leadership, and academic faculty to update its current Child Advocacy Studies (CAST) program plan and course content. Zero Abuse also will develop six CAST toolkits tailored for undergraduate and graduate CAST courses to allow schools to provide education that leads to more qualified graduates being hired into child-serving, child protection-centered professions. Zero Abuse also will...

National Subgrants Program

The National Subgrants Program develops and expands Children's Advocacy Centers across the country. There are more than 950 centers nationwide.

National Military and CAC Partnership Program

National Children's Alliance is the nonprofit membership organization and accrediting body for the nation's children's advocacy centers (CACs). A CAC is a child-friendly facility in which law enforcement, child protection, prosecution, mental health, medical, and victim advocacy professionals work together to investigate abuse, help children heal from abuse, and hold offenders accountable. This project will support a national program for CAC and military collaborations that...

Southern Regional Children's Advocacy Center

The Southern Regional Children's Advocacy Center provides training and technical assistance to child abuse professionals in communities to support the growth and improvement of coordinated multidisciplinary responses to child abuse.

Changing Minds: Unique's Story

Content Advisory
Please be aware that this video contains descriptions of violence that may be distressing to some viewers.
October 2016

This short film, inspired by true stories, shows how a supportive and caring adult can help a child overcome childhood trauma and exposure to violence. Each year, nearly 60% of youth are exposed to violence in their homes, schools, and communities. Recent studies demonstrate how observing violence has a lasting negative impact on a child’s brain and their cognitive development. Over time, exposure to violence during childhood is significantly correlated with negative outcomes such as psychological issues, adverse behavior, and serious illnesses. The U.S.

OJJDP News @ a Glance, November/December 2019

OJJDP News @ a Glance November/December, 600x300
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The Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP) announces the availability of OJJDP News @ a Glance, November/December 2019. In this issue's Message From the Administrator, Caren Harp reviews OJJDP activities during fiscal year (FY) 2019, including a comprehensive 3-day national training conference designed to assist states and territories in their administration of OJJDP's Title II Formula Grants Program. The top story highlights...

OJJDP and the Children's Bureau recognize National Child Abuse Prevention Month

April 2019

OJJDP and the Children's Bureau partnered on a proactive prevention approach to support families and safeguard children. This video features Jerry Milner, Associate Commissioner of the Children's Bureau, and Caren Harp, Administrator of OJJDP, as they recognize National Child Abuse Prevention Month and discuss how communities can come together to raise awareness about healthy parenting practices, child safety skills, available resources, and community partnerships.

This video was published in April 2019.

Responding to Child Abuse


Child abuse can have lifelong consequences that last well into adulthood. However, the psychological toll on victims and families...