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An official website of the United States government, Department of Justice.

A Multisite Study of Variations in Local Juvenile Risk Assessment Performance

Goals and Objectives

This study is examining how to customize risk assessment tools based on available jurisdiction data to improve their predictive performance. More specifically, the study will:

  • Build site-specific datasets and an integrated multi-site dataset based on risk assessment data from 10 study sites.
  • Isolate, test, and evaluate the relative impact of seven notable risk assessment features in each of the study sites. These include: (1) item selection technique, (2) weighting, (3) gender-specificity, (4) race-ethnicity neutrality, (5) outcome specificity, (6) prediction duration, and (7) jurisdiction variation.
  • Develop optimized models for each study site's risk assessment instrument based on local data to achieve peak performance.
  • Synthesize the common findings across the study sites and develop a set of recommendations about building risk assessment instruments that are best situated for local implementation and validation.

Next: Milestones

Date Created: March 31, 2020