The Juvenile Residential Facility Census (JRFC) and the Census of Juveniles in Residential Placement (CJRP) data collection is being updated to improve the quality and relevance of the data collected while minimizing the respondent burden. Changes to the collections include updates to the survey content, reference date, and submission process. Learn more about these changes below:
New Reference Date
The reference date for both data collections will be moved to the fourth Wednesday in March.
We are committed to producing accurate, timely, and relevant data for public use. The change will reduce the delay between the year the data are collected and when they are released.
What about the October 2024 census?
There will be no Juvenile Residential Facility Census administered in 2024. Instead, the next collection will be the Census of Juveniles in Residential Placement in March 2025.
Improved Question Flow and Consistency
Revisions to the wording and formatting of survey items in both censuses will provide enhanced clarity of question and response options.
Easier to Complete
Several questions have been removed to streamline questionnaire, and respondents who do not meet specific criteria will be allowed to exit the survey earlier. These changes ensure essential data are collected while making participation more efficient.
Prioritizing Web Collection
Both surveys are moving to accept online-based responses only consistent with other data collections.
Download the Paper Form
A PDF paper form will be available for download on the submission website.
Modernizing the Web Instrument
The web collection page will be modernized and more user-friendly with the same functionality.
Census of Juveniles in Residential Placement
New Demographic Information
- Updated and new demographic questions will align with federal guidance.
New Release Roster to Collect Length of Stay Data
- The additional of a new release roster data collection will be the first national effort to collect data on lengths of stay in juvenile residential facilities.
Juvenile Residential Facility Census
New topics:
- Service provider types
- Medical service provision
- Prenatal care and pregnant youth
- Rehabilitation services
- Staff training
- Highlights from the 2022 Juvenile Residential Facility Census
- Trends and Characteristics of Youth in Residential Placement, 2021
- Juvenile Residential Facility Response to the Coronavirus Pandemic (COVID-19), 2020
- Juvenile Residential Facility Census, 2020: Selected Findings
Provide answers to commonly asked questions
Data Analysis Tools
Q: When is the next survey?
A: The next collection will be the CJRP in March of 2025.
Q: How will I know when it is time to complete the survey?
A: Respondents will still be mailed an invitation letter and a reminder postcard with their unique User ID for the survey.
Q: Can I get an email reminder?
A: Respondents will receive a survey invitation to the email address we have on file. If you believe your facility's contact information may need to be updated, please contact us at [email protected].
Q: I received the survey but don't know if my facility is eligible.
A: If you received an invitation, please proceed with the survey. The updated web tool will quickly determine your eligibility and guide you to exit early if your facility doesn't meet the criteria. Even if your facility is ineligible, your participation is valuable because it helps us maintain a comprehensive and accurate list of eligible facilities nationwide.
Q: Are there notices in the Federal Register regarding the updates to the JRFC and CJRP?
A: Recent Federal Register notices include:
- August 13, 2024, Agency Information Collection Activities; Proposed eCollection eComments Requested; New; Juvenile Facility Census Program (JFCP)
- May 21, 2024, Agency Information Collection Activities; Proposed eCollection eComments Requested; New; Juvenile Facility Census Program (JFCP)
Q: How do I get informed when data from these collections are released?
A: Subscribe to JUVJUST to receive notifications when new data or publications are released.
Q: I have a specific question, who do I contact?
A: Please send any questions to [email protected].