The Coalition for Juvenile Justice (CJJ) will partner with other participating entities to provide training and technical assistance to support states and territories in implementing the Title II Part B Formula Grant program. In coordination with other providers, the CJJ will offer States and Territories access to skilled, tailored, on-site and virtual support designed to strengthen their capacity to comply with the core protections afforded in the Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (JJDP) Act, administer their Formula Grant awards and subawards, and strengthen their juvenile justice systems.
Provider Organization
Coalition for Juvenile Justice
Award Details
The Coalition for Juvenile Justice (CJJ) will support State Advisory Groups and their staff in managing data dissemination and federal reporting while informing on key research and trends in the Juvenile Justice field.
- State Advisory Groups
Juvenile Justice State Advisory Groups, State Juvenile Justice Specialists, and Compliance Monitors.
As part of this work, CJJ will develop a peer resource guide for state advisory groups (SAGs) focusing on youth membership. CJJ will also support the development and implementation of peer resource guides on understanding the requirements of the Title II, Part B, Formula Grants Program, and strategies for effective monitoring for compliance with the core requirements.
Brock Landwehr
Associate Director
[email protected]
- Data
- Evaluation
- Information