Training and technical assistance (TTA) is the planning, development, and delivery of activities designed to achieve specific learning objectives, resolve problems, and foster the application of innovative approaches to juvenile delinquency and child victimization prevention.
The Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP) provides national leadership, coordination, and resources to those working to prevent and respond to juvenile delinquency and victimization. A major component of these efforts is the provision of TTA resources that address the needs of juvenile justice practitioners and support state and local efforts to build capacity and expand the use of evidence-based practices.
Training and Technical Assistance Network
A network of OJJDP-funded TTA providers is dedicated to providing targeted TTA to policymakers and practitioners.
OJJDP's National Training and Technical Assistance Center (NTTAC)
NTTAC Services
- Connecting juvenile justice and child victimization prevention practitioners, policymakers, and constituents to appropriate TTA providers and resources.
- Promoting the use of best practices and standards in TTA assessment, planning, and delivery.
To learn more about OJJDP's NTTAC services, see the OJJDP's NTTAC brochure.
What types of TTA are available?
- Community mapping and resource identification
- Evidence-based practice and model programming
- Information management
- Partnership development and community collaboration
- Performance measurement
- Problem identification and assessment
- Program enhancement and operations support
- Staff development, training, and retention
- Strategic planning
- Sustainability planning
What TTA topics are covered?
- Child safety
- Combating gangs
- Court services
- Cyberbullying prevention
- Evidence-based practices
- Mentoring
- Preventing violence
- Reducing drug use
- Restorative justice
- Supporting law enforcement and prosecutors
- Youth and family engagement
Learn More about OJJDP's NTTAC
TTA Help Desk
OJJDP's NTTAC provides an interactive Help Desk for professionals and other key constituents who are interested in juvenile justice and child victimization issues. OJJDP TTA Help Desk staff locate resources, assist with access to technology platforms (e.g., webinars), compile guidance documents for TTA professionals and the field, make referrals, and provide other services to meet requestors' needs.
You can reach the OJJDP TTA Help Desk Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. ET by email at [email protected].
OJJDP TTA Provider Resource, Event, and Spotlight Submission Form
OJJDP’s training and technical assistance (TTA) providers should submit upcoming events and all resources (toolkits, white papers, etc.) developed with grant funding to OJJDP.
This form allows TTA providers to easily submit that information, along with spotlights that give TTA providers an opportunity to showcase the impact of their work on communities around the country.

Need Training and Technical Assistance? Access TTA360
TTA360 is OJJDP's centralized TTA request system. It offers a single point of entry to access the full range of OJJDP's TTA services and network providers. Through TTA360, users can submit a TTA request, create an account, and view the status of requests.