Peer reviews
National Subgrants Program
National Military and CAC Partnership Program
National Center on the Sexual Behavior of Youth: Training and Technical Assistance for Comprehensive Community Response to Problematic and Illegal Sexual Behavior of Youth
National CARES Mentoring Movement Multistate Program
National Subgrants Program
National Center on the Sexual Behavior of Youth: Training and Technical Assistance for Comprehensive Community Response to Problematic and Illegal Sexual Behavior of Youth
National Military and CAC Partnership Program
National Center on the Sexual Behavior of Youth: Implementing Community-Based Effective Interventions for Youth with Problematic or Illegal Sexual Behaviors
National Subgrants Program
National Military and CAC Partnership Program
NCA American Indian and Alaska Native Subgrant Program
National Center on the Sexual Behavior of Youth: Implementing Community-Based Effective Interventions for Youth with Problematic or Illegal Sexual Behaviors
Category 2: CAC National Subgrant Program
Victims of Child Abuse (VOCA) Category 3: National Subgrant Program for Victims of Child Pornography
Peer Review
OJJDP uses a formal peer review process to evaluate competitive grant applications. Eligible applications are reviewed and scored by a panel of subject matter experts recruited from the field.
OJJDP invites researchers and practitioners with expertise related to juvenile justice to apply to serve as peer reviewers. Applicants should indicate their juvenile justice-related knowledge and expertise, including: gangs, mentoring, substance abuse, Tribal youth justice, Internet...