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An official website of the United States government, Department of Justice.

News and announcements

Statistical Briefing Book Updates Data Snapshot on Teen Dating Violence

OJJDP has updated its Statistical Briefing Book  with  a new  Data Snapshot on teen dating violence. The snapshot draws on data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance System to document the trends and characteristics of exposure to dating violence reported by high school students. The data show the prevalence of physical and sexual dating violence reported by students declined overall between...

Department of Justice Awards More Than $100 Million To Support Youth

FY21 Funding Awards

The Department of Justice's Office of Justice Programs (OJP) announced awards of nearly $103 million to support youth and equity in juvenile justice systems.  

"Reforming our juvenile justice systems, mentoring our youth and helping young people find a path forward to a safe and bright future are central to our mission at the Office of Justice Programs and remain top priorities of this administration,"...

Department of Justice Awards Nearly $141 Million To Protect Children

FY21 Funding Awards

The Department of Justice’s Office of Justice Programs (OJP) announced awards of nearly $141 million to protect children and improve the judicial systems’ response to child abuse and neglect cases.  

OJJDP and the National Institute of Justice awarded these funds to jurisdictions across the country to provide law enforcement officials, child advocates, and service providers resources to protect children from abuse and sexual exploitation.  

Funding will help...

OJJDP News @ a Glance January/February 2022

This issue’s Message from the Acting Administrator reviews OJJDP’s achievements from 2021, including launching the Preventing Youth Hate Crimes & Bullying Initiative. The top story highlights the Office’s nearly $344 million in fiscal year 2021 discretionary awards, which fund mentoring programs, children’s advocacy centers, missing and exploited children’s programs, anti-gang programs, drug treatment courts, and other initiatives.

OJJDP Announces Upcoming Webinars

Register for upcoming juvenile justice-related webinars on funding, programs, and initiatives taking place in January and February 2022.