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Juvenile probation

OJJDP FY25 Juvenile Justice System Reform and Reinvestment Initiative

Closing Date
Grants.gov Deadline
Application JustGrants Deadline
Through this notice of funding opportunity, OJJDP seeks to support states' research-based, developmentally appropriate, trauma-informed responses to youth offending and other public safety and community challenges identified through stakeholder engagement and data analysis.

Applications Being Accepted for Transforming Juvenile Probation Certificate Program

The Center for Juvenile Justice Reform (CJJR), in partnership with the Annie E. Casey Foundation and the Council of State Governments Justice Center, has released a request for applications for its 2019 Transforming Juvenile Probation Certificate Program, which will take place November 4-8, 2019, in Washington, DC. This program will provide weeklong training to help probation leadership, judges, attorneys, and other stakeholders transform juvenile...