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An official website of the United States government, Department of Justice.

Juvenile courts

Violent Crime Cases in Juvenile Court, 2021

This fact sheet presents estimates of juvenile violent crime cases based on data from more than 2,300 courts with jurisdiction over 83% of the youth population age 10 through the upper age of original juvenile court jurisdiction in each state in 2021.

OJJDP FY25 Enhancing Youth Defense Training and Technical Assistance

Closing Date
Grants.gov Deadline
Application JustGrants Deadline
Through specialized training, tools, resources, and intensive training and technical assistance, this program supports states' and localities' efforts to implement sustainable system improvements that result in improved youth outcomes, reduced recidivism, safer communities, cost savings, and increased public confidence in the juvenile justice system.

NDAA Diversion Programs Panel Discussion

September 2023

This webinar, hosted by the National District Attorneys Association (NDAA) on September 12, 2023, included presentations on three youth diversion programs from representatives in each program’s prosecutors’ office. Presenters discussed the creation of their diversion program, community partners involved in the program, and specific features of their program.

For the transcript and support materials, please contact the OJJDP TTA Help Desk at [email protected].

Reducing Risk for Girls in the Juvenile Justice System

The goal of the OJJDP's Reducing Risk for Girls in the Juvenile Justice Training and Technical Assistance is to reduce risk factors and promote protective factors for girls who come in contact with the juvenile justice system.