Child abuse
Victims of Child Abuse Act – National American Indian Alaska Native Subgrants Program
Under the American Indian Alaska Native Subgrants Program, NCA provides funding for sub-grants to existing and developing Tribal CACs and multidisciplinary teams that provide a coordinated investigative and response to child abuse for Tribal children.
Strengthening the Internet Crimes Against Children (ICAC) Data System Technological Capacity
This project allows West Virginia State Police to strengthen technological capacity of the National Internet Crimes Against Children Data System.
Training and Technical Assistance for the Formula Grants Program
The National Governors Association Center for Best Practices provides training and technical assistance to governor's offices on understanding the Title II Part B formula grant program.
Training and Technical Assistance with Deinstitutionalization of Status Offenders
The National Partnership for Juvenile Services will provide training and technical assistance to improve compliance with the Deinstitutionalization of Status Offenders core requirement.
Family-Based Justice Center
The Family Based Justice Center delivers training and technical assistance to implement or enhance family-based alternative sentencing programs.
Behavior Change Interventions to Stop School Violence
This program will engage over 100 young people per year through prevention services and provide intensive intervention to the highest risk 15–18-year-olds who are at the center of youth violence and gang activity.
Training and Technical Assistance Project To Expand Children's Advocacy Centers Serving American Indian/Alaska Native Communities
The Alaska Children's Alliance provides training and technical assistance to Alaska's children's advocacy centers and communities interested in developing a multi-disciplinary response to child maltreatment.
Native Child Advocacy Resource Center
The National Native Children's Trauma Center provides training and technical assistance for the expansion of child advocacy centers to improve access and services to American Indian and Alaska Native children, families, and communities.
EZTools & KAPE Training Development and Delivery Project
This project will result in a new graphical-based program incorporating the capabilities of four existing command line-based tools into one interface for investigating and prosecuting child sexual exploitation cases.
Training and Technical Assistance Project To Expand Children's Advocacy Centers Serving American Indian/Alaska Native Communities
The Alaska Children's Alliance is the accredited state chapter of the National Children's Alliance and provides training and technical assistance to Alaska's children's advocacy centers and communities interested in developing a multidisciplinary response to child maltreatment.
National Child Abuse Prevention Month
In April, the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention joins communities nationwide in observing National Child Abuse Prevention Month.