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Free Online Data Dashboard on Youth Justice Now Available

The Annie E. Casey Foundation recently launched Pro-DATA, a free online tool that makes youth justice data more accessible to state and local jurisdictions. This data dashboard allows jurisdictions to gath­er, orga­nize, and visualize youth justice data on more than 100 measures, including court refer­rals, pros­e­cu­tions, pro­ba­tion cas­es, and offense type. The tool’s chart-mak­ing capa­bil­i­ty can help users iden­ti­fy oppor­tu­ni­ties for improvement and track inter­ven­tion effectiveness among youth. The dashboard also lets jurisdictions analyze trends—including by race and ethnicity—and compare their progress to oth­er jurisdictions.

Interested jurisdictions should submit an application to use the new tool. 

Use Dashboard


Date Published: August 29, 2023