OJJDP Coordinating Council Meeting September 19, 2023: Part 2
Listen to Part 2 of an audio recording of the September 19, 2023 Coordinating Council on Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (Council) quarterly meeting in Houston, TX. The Council is an independent body within the Federal Government that coordinates federal programs related to youth justice and missing and exploited children.
The meeting featured the Harris County Opportunity Center—an innovative model that brings together multiple partners to support a wide array of community-based services for system-involved youth in one location, including vocational training, counseling, an on-site school, housing assistance, financial literacy, food assistance, and more.
Council members discussed ways that federal agencies can support and encourage local collaboration to enhance the accessibility of supportive services for vulnerable youth. Confirmed speakers include Office of Justice Programs Assistant Attorney General Amy L. Solomon and OJJDP Administrator Liz Ryan, who serves as Vice Chair of the Council.
Part 1 of the meeting is also available at https://ojjdp.ojp.gov/media/video/37741. Please note the audio quality is poor.
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