Mentoring Children and Youth Affected by Opioid Misuse and Substance Abuse Webinar
OJJDP, in collaboration with the National Mentoring Resource Center, presented “Mentoring Children and Youth Affected by Opioid Misuse and Substance Abuse.” This webinar focused on the role mentoring plays in supporting youth impacted by opioid and substance abuse. Presenters discussed the effects of opioid and substance abuse on families and communities, how mentoring programs are addressing this growing issue, and how mentoring can support other strategies and best practices.
This webinar occurred on September 17, 2018.
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- An Introduction to Credible Messenger Programs for Juvenile Court Prosecutors and Other Stakeholders
- OJJDP FY 2023 Second Chance Act (SCA) Addressing the Needs of Incarcerated Parents and Their Minor Children Solicitation Webinar
- OJJDP FY 2023 Mentoring Programs for Youth in the Juvenile Justice System Solicitation Webinar