NCJ Number
Date Published
103 pages
These standards, part of a series of volumes of standards relating to juvenile justice administration, provide a comprehensive set of evaluative criteria for the development and realization of architectural programs for juvenile detention and corrections facilities.
The principal value that pervades the standards is the concept of normalization, which advocates the development of an environment as close as possible to familiar community life. The standards recommend the development of a range of small, community-based facilities, because such facilities are able to adapt to a range of programs and policy requirements that use community resources, to architecturally relate to the buildings in the surrounding area, and to provide a richer range of security options. The standards have two basic components: procedural and environmental. The procedural component covers the architectural program, which establishes space needs according to policy guidelines and operational proposals. The environmental component refers specifically to design characteristics of facilities as they affect the administration of the facilities. Detailed recommendations are made for the design of group homes, secure corrections facilities, and secure detention facilities. Qualitative prescriptions are made for such furnishings as locks, doors, windows, and beds. A bibliography of 121 listings is provided.
Date Published: January 1, 1980
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