With this solicitation, OJJDP seeks to fund national mentoring organizations to enhance and expand mentoring services for children and youth who are at risk or high risk for juvenile delinquency, victimization, and juvenile justice system involvement. This program supports the implementation and delivery of mentoring services to youth populations that are at risk or high risk for juvenile delinquency, victimization, and juvenile justice system involvement.
Mentoring services can be one-on-one, group, peer, or a combination of these types. Applicants must initiate mentoring services to youth who are 17 years old or younger at the time of admission to the program. Mentors must be an adult (age 18 or older), or in cases where peer mentoring models are being implemented, an older peer and under adult supervision. Funding is encouraged to support new mentoring matches, but can also support existing mentoring matches through program completion.
Number of Awards: 4
Total Amount Awarded: $45,000,000
Big Brothers Big Sisters of America: Partnering with Youth and Families to Strengthen Underserved Communities Through Expanded Big Brothers Big Sisters Mentoring
Mentoring at Boys & Girls Clubs
National Association of Police Athletic Leagues Inc: Building relationships between Cops and Kids through Youth Mentoring
YouthBuild USA Mentoring & Peer Mentoring Models
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