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OJJDP FY 2022 Supporting Effective Interventions for Youth With Problematic or Illegal Sexual Behavior

Opportunity ID
Solicitation Status
Fiscal Year
Closing Date
Posting Date
Grants.gov Deadline
June 6, 2022, 11:59 pm Eastern
Application JustGrants Deadline
June 21, 2022, 8:59 pm Eastern

This solicitation provides funding to communities to develop intervention and supervision services for youth with problematic or illegal sexual behavior, and to provide treatment services for their victims and families/caregivers. Under this initiative, successful applicants will have an established multidisciplinary team that (1) supports a comprehensive holistic approach to treating youth with problematic or illegal sexual behavior, and (2) provides support services to victims and families/caregivers.

There are two categories of funding available under this solicitation:

  1. Category 1: Project Sites. Funding under this category will assist applicants in providing a comprehensive and multidisciplinary continuum of intervention and supervision services for youth with problematic and/or illegal sexual behavior and treatment services for their victims and families/caregivers. Applicants are expected to demonstrate that the programs they propose for funding through this award are based on an assessment of currently available resources in the jurisdiction and the proposed programs will help to fill gaps in those services.
  2. Category 2: Training and Technical Assistance. In addition to supporting program implementation and direct service activities, the initiative will fund a training and technical assistance provider to support the Category 1 project sites as they implement their community-based prevention, intervention, and treatment strategies for youth with problematic and/or illegal sexual behavior and their victims and families/caregivers. Technical assistance needs may vary greatly depending on the current practices of each program site.


Number of Awards: 5
Total Amount Awarded: $2,600,000

Date Created: April 15, 2022