Deadline: June 22, 2021
JustGrants Application Deadline: July 6, 2021
This program will provide funding under three categories of assistance to children's advocacy centers (CACs). The three categories of assistance are (1) National Subgrants Program, (2) National Subgrants Program for Victims of Child Pornography, and (3) National Military Partnership Program. This program furthers the Department's mission by reducing crime and victimization and promoting public safety by expanding assistance to CACs to conduct a coordinated response to victims of child abuse.
Category 1: National Subgrants Program. The successful applicant will operate a national subgrant program to support local CACs, state chapters, and multidisciplinary teams that provide a coordinated investigation and comprehensive response to child abuse. Specifically, the successful applicant will release requests for proposals (RFPs) to award subgrants (subject to OJJDP approval) based on identified national needs and a clearly defined funding strategy. The successful applicant will offer training and technical assistance specific to the RFP as well as limited targeted training aligned with the subgrant categories, and provide oversight and monitoring of subaward activities in conformance with the DOJ Grants Financial Guide.
Category 2: National Subgrants Program for Victims of Child Pornography. The successful applicant will operate a national subgrant program to support local CACs, state chapters, and multidisciplinary teams that provide a coordinated investigation and comprehensive response to child abuse, specifically to provide services and improve the response to children who are victims of child pornography, including those victims of child pornography who are also victims of commercial sex trafficking. The successful applicant will release RFPs to award subgrants(subject to OJJDP approval) based on identified national needs and a clearly defined funding strategy. The successful applicant will offer training and technical assistance specific to the RFP as well as limited topical training for local CACs, state chapters, and multidisciplinary teams. Finally, the successful applicant will provide oversight and monitoring of subaward activities in conformance with the DOJ Grants Financial Guide.
Category 3: National Military Partnership Program. The successful applicant will collaborate with military installations to explore ways in which the CAC model can be leveraged to help military installations address cases of child abuse and will provide subgrants to local CACs to identify, develop, and operationalize best practices. The successful applicant will release RFPs to award subgrants (subject to OJJDP approval) based on the identified needs regarding CAC and military collaboration as related to the response to child abuse. In addition, the successful applicant will provide training and technical assistance specific to the RFP as well as targeted support for the overall project and selected subgrantees, and provide oversight and monitoring of subaward activities in conformance with the DOJ Grants Financial Guide.