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Awards: List of Funded Projects

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OJJDP's grant awards support state and community efforts to develop effective prevention and intervention programs and to improve the juvenile justice system. Find details for funding awards from OJJDP below.

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Awards Listing

Number of Awards: 11,580
Total Amount Awarded: $9,086,752,775

Funded Awards
FY Sort ascending Title Original Solicitation Recipient State Award Number Amount Status
2002 Lackawanna County Juvenile Treatment Court OJJDP Formula Grants Program Supplement (ABS) Lackawanna County District Attorney PA 2002-DC-BX-0067 $499,931 Closed
2002 Lancaster County Juvenile Drug Court OJJDP Formula Grants Program Supplement (ABS) County of Lancaster SC 2002-DC-BX-0071 $479,486 Closed
2002 Lane County Juvenile RAP Court OJJDP Formula Grants Program Supplement (ABS) Lane County OR 2002-DC-BX-0049 $499,299 Closed
2002 Life Skills Lessons Program OJJDP Discretionary Continuation Programs - Training Arise Foundation FL 2002-JR-BX-0002 $485,000 Closed
2002 Maine's Enforcing the Underage Drinking Laws Program FY 2002 OJJDP Enforcing the Underage Drinking Laws Block Grant Program Maine Department of Health and Human Services ME 2002-AH-FX-0005 $360,000 Closed
2002 Miami Safe Start OJJDP Discretionary Continuation Programs - Child Protection 11th Judicial Circuit of Florida FL 2002-JW-BX-0001 $341,521 Closed
2002 Montana's Re-entry Application
OJJDP FY 2005 Reentry Supplement Montana Department of Corrections MT 2002-RE-CX-0036 $2,000,000 Closed
2002 NATIONAL K-12 SUBSTANCE ABUSE PREVENTION/VIOLENCE AVOIDANCE PROGRAM OJJDP Discretionary Programs D.A.R.E. America CA 2002-DR-FX-0002 $2,475,000 Closed
2002 NATIONAL POLICE ATHLETIC LEAGUE YOUTH ENRICHMENT PROGRAM OJJDP Discretionary Programs National Association of Police Athletic Leagues FL 2002-MU-MU-0010 $5,400,000 Closed
2002 New focus for state. RI has requested TA from OJJDP and DSG and will be providing statewide training for new grant focus. FY 2002 OJJDP Title V Community Prevention Grants Program Rhode Island Public Saftey Grant Administration Office RI 2002-JP-FX-0053 $100,000 Closed
2002 New Iberia Drug Court
Implementation Part A
OJJDP Formula Grants Program Supplement (ABS) Iberia Parish Council LA 2002-DC-BX-0002 $400,710 Closed
2002 Non-Participating State Grant OJJDP Formula Grants Program Supplement (ABS) South Dakota Coalition For Children Inc SD 2002-JS-FX-0002 $1,349,000 Closed
2002 Nonparticipating State Program OJJDP Formula Grants Program Supplement (ABS) Wyoming County Commissioners Association WY 2002-JS-FX-0001 $1,851,050 Closed
2002 North Dakota Juvenile Reentry Initiative OJJDP FY 2005 Reentry Supplement ND Department of Corrections ND 2002-RE-CX-0029 $785,779 Closed
2002 Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention

FY 2002 Juvenile Accountability Incentive Block Grant

Fiscal year is July 1 - June 30
FY 2002 OJJDP Juvenile Accountability Incentive Block Grants Program Colorado Division of Criminal Justice CO 2002-JB-BX-0005 $3,076,100 Closed
2002 Prevention Programs throughout the Island, based on reducin risk factors and enhancing protective factors FY 2002 OJJDP Title V Community Prevention Grants Program Puerto Rico Governors Office of Youth Affairs PR 2002-JP-FX-0034 $402,000 Closed
2002 Project Under 21 FY 2002 OJJDP Enforcing the Underage Drinking Laws Block Grant Program Oklahoma Dept of Public Safety OK 2002-AH-FX-0012 $360,000 Closed
2002 Provide legal counseling to indigent juveniles from high risk communities FY 2002 OJJDP Title II Part E State Challenge Activities Grants Program Puerto Rico Governors Office of Youth Affairs PR 2002-JE-FX-0049 $114,000 Closed
2002 Re-Entry By Design OJJDP FY 2005 Reentry Supplement Missouri Department of Social Services MO 2002-RE-CX-0045 $700,688 Closed
2002 Reentry Initative for Juvenile High Risk Offenders Model Development Project OJJDP FY 2005 Reentry Supplement Massachusetts Department of Youth Services MA 2002-RE-CX-0027 $999,668 Closed
2002 Rural Maine Underage Drinking Enforcement Partnerships Project OJJDP Formula Grants Program Supplement (ABS) Maine Department of Health and Human Services ME 2002-AH-FX-0057 $400,000 Closed
2002 Section 285 of Title II, Part E - Challenge Grants Program FY 2002 OJJDP Title II Part E State Challenge Activities Grants Program Virginia Department of Criminal Justice Services VA 2002-JE-FX-0019 $182,000 Closed
2002 Serious and Violent Offender Reentry Initiative OJJDP FY 2005 Reentry Supplement Arizona Department of Juvenile Corrections AZ 2002-RE-CX-0031 $2,000,000 Closed
2002 Serious and Violent Offender Reentry Initiative OJJDP FY 2005 Reentry Supplement Maryland Department of Public Safety and Correctional Services MD 2002-RE-CX-0009 $2,000,000 Closed
2002 Serious and Violent Offender Reentry Initiative: Going Home
West Virginia Division of Juvenile Services
Re-entry Court Program (RCP)
Fiscal Year 2003 (July 1, 2002 - June 30, 2003)
OJJDP FY 2005 Reentry Supplement West Virginia Division of Juvenile Services WV 2002-RE-CX-0063 $998,753 Closed