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Awards: List of Funded Projects

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OJJDP's grant awards support state and community efforts to develop effective prevention and intervention programs and to improve the juvenile justice system. Find details for funding awards from OJJDP below.

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Awards Listing

Showing Results For:
State: CA,
City: Richmond

Number of Awards: 11
Total Amount Awarded: $4,388,544

Funded Awards
FY Sort ascending Title Original Solicitation Recipient State Award Number Amount Status
2024 Contra Costa Family Justice Alliance Strategies to Support Children Exposed to Violence OJJDP FY24 Strategies to Support Children Exposed to Violence CONTRA COSTA FAMILY JUSTICE ALLIANCE CA 15PJDP-24-GK-03879-CEVJ $825,000 Open
2019 RPAL Mentoring Program OJJDP FY 19 Mentoring Opportunities for Youth Initiative RICHMOND POLICE ACTIVITIES LEAGUE INC CA 2019-JU-FX-0015 $496,801 Closed
2014 East Bay Mentoring Partnership Project Enhance Four Exiting Mentoring Programs OJJDP FY 14 Youth Development, Prevention and Safety Invited Awards City of Richmond CA 2012-JU-FX-0028 $396,472 Closed
2013 East Bay Mentoring Partnership Project to Enhance Four Existing Mentoring Programs OJJDP FY 13 Youth Development, Prevention and Safety Division Invited Awards City of Richmond CA 2012-JU-FX-0028 $399,472 Closed
2012 The East Bay Mentoring Partnership project will enhance four existing mentoring programs and improve outcomes for high-risk youth in the East Bay corridor cities of Oakland, Berkeley, and Richmond. OJJDP FY 12 Mentoring Enhancement Demonstration Program City of Richmond CA 2012-JU-FX-0028 $399,472 Closed
2010 The Richmond Youth Academy OJJDP FY 10 Earmarks Program Richmond Black Fire Fighters Association CA 2010-JL-FX-0525 $250,000 Closed
2010 Youth Development program to provide a comprehensive service delivery system for 60 at-risk youth and those exposed to violence,ages 11-18. OJJDP FY 10 Earmarks Program Richmond Police Activties League CA 2010-JL-FX-0073 $390,000 Closed
2009 RPAL One-Stop Youth Center OJJDP FY 09 Earmarks Programs Richmond Police Activties League CA 2009-JL-FX-0049 $400,000 Closed
2009 The Richmond Youth Academy OJJDP FY 09 Earmarks Programs Richmond Black Fire Fighters Association CA 2009-JL-FX-0146 $250,000 Closed
2008 Richmond Youth Academy OJJDP FY 08 Earmarks Programs Richmond Black Fire Fighters Association CA 2008-JL-FX-0272 $178,870 Closed
2008 The Richmond Police Activities League One-Stop Youth Center OJJDP FY 08 Earmarks Programs Richmond Police Activties League CA 2008-JL-FX-0120 $402,457 Closed