The Internet Crimes Against Children (ICAC) Task Force National Training Program is funded under the Department of Justice Appropriations Act, 2019, Pub. L. No. 116-6, 133 Stat. 13, 115. This program furthers the Departments mission by providing grants and cooperative agreements for training and technical assistance to organizations that OJJDP designates. The programs goal is to develop and deliver technical training to ICAC task force members, thereby expanding and enhancing investigative knowledge and capacity in relation to digital forensics and the recovery of digital evidence.
The National White Collar Crime Center, Inc. (NW3C) will develop and deliver a training program focused on the process of digital evidence examination using automated forensic tools, both commercial and open source. The processes covered will guide attendees through real-life scenarios, including the testing and validation of tools and the recovery of digital evidence from devices. These devices include but are not limited to personal computers, smartphones, tablet computers, wireless networks, drones, video games, and the processing of legally obtained data records from service providers. Trainings will be made available to ICAC task force members and affiliates, law enforcement personnel, prosecutors, computer forensic specialists, and other related partnering organizations. NW3C will also provide technical assistance to aid the ICAC task forces.