OJJDP's Juvenile Justice System Improvement Grants program was established to provide grants and cooperative agreements to organizations that provide programs and services critical to the mission of OJJDP, and organizations that OJJDP has selected for funds in prior years. This program will be authorized by an Act appropriating funds for the Department of Justice.
The Rural Alaska Community Action Program, Inc. (RurAL CAP) seeks to reduce Alaska Native youth delinquency rates by serving tribal communities and youth-serving organizations and increasing their capacities to better meet Alaska Native youth's cultural needs and support successful functioning at the home, school, and community levels. This will be accomplished through the continued development, implementation, growth, expansion, diversification, and refinement of a virtual-based training and technical assistance (TTA) Resource Center targeting youth-serving organizations and tribal communities, originally incepted during Years 1-2 of OJJDP Alaska Native Youth at Risk Training and Technical Assistance Project grant funding. This application represents Years 3-4 of the project--Alaska Native Youth Success(ANYS. Project activities include continued establishment of a strong statewide network of service providers and key stakeholders in youth-related fields that guide, build, and improve the TTA Resource Center, while promoting data-driven strategies, multi-disciplinary partnerships, and culturally-appropriate tools and content. This Resource Center, dubbed "The Resource Basket" at www.alaskanativeyouth.org, will mobilize and connect subject matter experts in providing TTA to tribal communities and associated service providers through rural village/community-based training events, webinars, workshop presentations, teleconferences, informational and instructional videos, newsletters, email blasts, and phone/email support. Project staff will promote the Resource Center and its services statewide, increasing both the dissemination of comprehensive youth wellness resources and the relationships and collaborations across the state that will ensure Alaska Native youth issues are effectively and holistically addressed. A pre-established Advisory Group, comprised of leaders in services related to this project, Alaska Native Elders, and other professionals, will provide additional oversight and mentorship to project staff, partners, and participants, as well as review and screening of TTA requests. CA/NCF