OJJDP's State and Community Development Awards program was established to provide grants and cooperative agreements to organizations that OJJDP has selected for funds in prior years. This program has been authorized by an Act appropriating funds for the Department of Justice.
The goal of the Enforcing Underage Drinking Laws (EUDL) Program is to support and enhance State efforts, in cooperation with local jurisdictions, to enforce laws prohibiting the sale of alcoholic beverages, or the consumption of alcoholic beverages by minors. For the purpose of the program, minors are defined as individuals under 21 years of age.
Illinois' Department of Human Services, Division of Community Health and Prevention will use this award to support law enforcement agencies to deliver evidence-based enforcement strategies. Enforcement activities may include: bar checks, youth focused DWI enforcement, compliance checks, saturation patrol, party dispersal and false ID checks.
The objectives identified to reduce the sale, purchase, accessibility and consumption of alcoholic beverages by minors are: 1) Increase the number of certified law enforcement specialists at the community level; and 2) Support and increase the use of evidence-based enforcement practices by law enforcement officials. These objectives will be addressed through the following strategies: evidence-based enforcement operations and training.
The applicant will measure the progress of the EUDL program goals and objectives through collecting OJJDP's performance data. The data will be reviewed to determine program effectiveness and measurable progress towards the achievement of the established goals and objectives. NCA/NCF