OJJDP's State and Community Development Awards program was established to provide grants and cooperative agreements to organizations that OJJDP has selected for funds in prior years. This program has been authorized by an Act appropriating funds for the Department of Justice.
The goal of the Enforcing Underage Drinking Laws (EUDL) Program is to support and enhance State efforts, in cooperation with local jurisdictions, to enforce laws prohibiting the sale of alcoholic beverages, or the consumption of alcoholic beverages by minors. For the purpose of the program, minors are defined as individuals under 21 years of age.
Michigan's EUDL program is administered by the Office of Highway Safety Planning (OHSP), a division of the Michigan State Police. OHSP has a long-standing commitment to eliminating underage drinking and partners with other state agencies, law enforcement, prosecutors, judges, and prevention and treatment specialists to administer this program. Working in cooperation with these partners, OHSP uses a multi-dimensional approach of prevention, education, enforcement, adjudication, and treatment in hopes of establishing long-lasting, positive changes and perceptions about underage drinking.
Funds awarded through this year's grant will support several dynamic programs including law enforcement task forces which will exclusively target underage drinking by minors, adults who furnish alcohol to minors and conducting retail compliance checks. Funds will also be used to support innovative training to law enforcement officers in utilizing social media websites as an investigative tool to search for underage drinking parties by creating undercover profiles to gain intelligence. NCA/NCF