OJJDP's Demonstration Programs Division Grants were established to provide grants, cooperative agreements, and other assistance to organizations identified in the Conference Report to accompany the Department of Justice Appropriations Act, 2010 (Pub. L. 111-117) -- H.R. Conf. Rep. No. 111-366.
The Greene County Juvenile Drug Court, which is located in southwest Missouri, is integrating the Reclaiming Futures program model into their juvenile drug court, which was launched as a pilot drug court in January 2007. This integrated system will improve and expand treatment services, implement a system of care to coordinate all social services, and increase community opportunities for youth and families. In FY 07, through a partnership with OJJDP, the Center for Substance Abuse Treatment, and the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, the Greene County was funded to expand the capacity of service delivery to the juvenile drug court program by integrating the Reclaiming Futures program model and initiating planning efforts to include best practices in substance abuse treatment. This integrated system will improve and expand treatment services, implement a system of care to coordinate all social services, and increase community opportunities for youth and families. In partnership with CSAT, beginning in FY 08, supplemental awards will support the implementation of the treatment component. This supplemental award for FY 10 will continue to support this effort. CSAT is currently providing training and technical assistance to support the implementation of the treatment services. The Green County Juvenile Drug Court is using the evidence-based GAIN treatment model and will be required report performance in the following domains: client's substance use, family and living condition, employment status, social connectedness, access to treatment, retention in treatment, and criminal justice status.