The Morris County Anti-Drug Task Force serves Morris County, Kansas, a rural area covering 697 square miles with a population of 6,104. The goals of the program are to: 1) reduce alcohol, tobacco, and other substance use among children and youth, and 2) strengthen collaboration, while increasing coalition capacity at the local level to provide effective prevention services. To achieve these goals, the coalition will implement the following strategies: 1) provide community members and youth training on prevention issues including science-based prevention programming and basic drug awareness and prevention strategies relating to alcohol, tobacco, inhalants, marijuana, and methamphetamine, 2) sponsor a multiple media outlet prevention campaign to increase awareness of local issues and strategies, 3) provide research-based parent training for families, 4) support youth alternative activities, including Red Ribbon Week and National Night Out, 5) support implementation of Life Skills Training for high school students, 6) support mentoring programs for students, 7) provide training for a cadre of adults and youth to implement strategies to increase resiliency in youth using the developmental asset framework; 8) maintain a parent network for parents of elementary school students; 9) develop a fiscal plan for sustainability of prevention services; and 10) continue membership recruitment and community networking and collaboration. CA/NCF