The Family of Woodstock is the fiscal agent for the Kingston Cares Coalition. The coalition serves the city of Kingston, NY, with 23,456 residents and a burgeoning Hispanic community. Kingston has been designated both an economically disadvantaged community and an empowerment zone. The goals of the coalition are to mobilize the community and to strengthen existing efforts to prevent and reduce adolescent problem behaviors such as alcohol, tobacco, and other drug use, as part of an ongoing effort to improve family and community life in the city of Kingston. To achieve these goals, the coalition will implement the following strategies:
1) apply research based planning activities per the Communities That Care (CTC) organizing model initiated and implemented by the coalition five years ago;
2) conduct cycles of the scientifically-based parenting and youth development curriculum, Creating Lasting Family Connections (CLFC), for 4 targeted groups, including homeless parents residing at Family of Woodstock's domestic violence and homeless shelters; and
3) promote through a Media Campaign positive youth attitudes and behaviors while depicting youth as positive influences, which will be broad-based and will target all of Kingston, including the Hispanic population, which doubled in size from 1990 to 2000 (US Census).