The Hamilton Fish Institute on School and Community Violence (Institute) provides leadership in the development and evaluation of research based violence prevention strategies. The Institute is an interdisciplinary partnership of scholars (partners) at Eastern Kentucky University, Florida State University, Morehouse School of Medicine, Shenandoah University, Syracuse University, the Massachusetts Mental Health Institute (Trauma Center-Boston), the University of Oregon, and the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee.
The Institute's plans include dissemination of the findings regarding best practices and programs developed by the Partners; technical assistance to the New School for Enterprise and Development Public Charter School (New School) and the Superintendent and School Board of the Richmond, Virginia, Public Schools; implementation of a national conference; publication of a quarterly Web-based newsletter, and development of national research agenda. While implementing this broad-based plan of action, the Institute will continue its research on emerging issues and will serve as a rigorous evaluator of new approaches and programs. The population served by the partners spans grades K-20 in rural, urban, and suburban communities across the nation and includes Asians/ Pacific Islanders, Blacks, Hispanics, Native Americans/Alaska Natives, and Whites.
Program goals include: (1) organize and disseminate the results of research and analysis to policymakers and practitioners; help school systems, states, and local agencies assess their needs and adapt one of the successful violence-reduction interventions or design new programs; (2) provide technical assistance to school districts, schools, and government agencies based on the results of research and analysis of what works to make schools and communities safer; and (3) assist in the development of a research and policy agenda on school safety and violence; and (4) collaborate with Partners to strengthen and disseminate evidence-based results of research and technical assistance.