The National Sheriffs' Association (NSA) proposes a project to enhance the training and technical assistance (TTA) provided to states and territories under the Title II Part B Formula Grant program. This initiative aims to address the critical issue of youth incarceration in adult jails, a scenario which significantly increases the risk of suicide and physical and sexual abuse for young people. Despite protections under the Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Act (JJDPA), these vulnerable individuals often face inadequate safeguards in adult detention facilities. The project's primary objective is to support states and territories in their compliance with JJDPA's core requirements, specifically the "Jail Removal" provision, which mandates that youth should not be housed in adult jails. To achieve this, NSA will deliver tailored, on-site, and virtual TTA through five key objectives. NSA will develop and distribute technical assistance materials, including briefs and webinars, to help states adhere to the statutory requirements of the Title II Formula Grants Program. NSA will finalize and promote a comprehensive toolkit for states and localities to effectively comply with the jail removal core requirement. This toolkit will be widely disseminated through various NSA communication channels. In addition, NSA will provide immediate training and technical support to jurisdictions struggling with compliance, leveraging NSA's expertise in modernized training and resource development. NSA will also engage with other Membership and Association Committee Policy Table organizations to address challenges in compliance and contribute to policy roundtable discussions. Lastly, NSA will collaborate with NSA's Youth Programs and Juvenile Justice Committee to promote effective juvenile delinquency prevention programs and support initiatives related to re-entry and transition.