FY 2018 Awards
In fiscal year (FY) 2018, OJJDP awarded $296,322,376 in grants to support programs, research, training and technical assistance, and information dissemination activities that enhance public safety, ensure young offenders are held appropriately accountable, and empower youth to live productive, lawabiding lives.
The 308 awards were made through discretionary and formula grant funding. Information about these awards is available below.
Formula Grants
Funding through formula grants is available to states and territories through the state agency designated by the Governor. Juvenile Justice Specialists in each state administer the funding through subgrants to units of local government, local private agencies, and American Indian/Alaska Native jurisdictions for programs in accordance with legislative requirements.
In FY 2018, OJJDP awarded $43,110,312 under the following formula grant programs:
- Title II Formula Award* (53 awards)
- Prison Rape Elimination Act Reallocation Invited Awards* (13 awards)
Discretionary Grants
OJJDP awards discretionary grants to states, units of local government, and private organizations to administer programs. During FY 2018, OJJDP awarded $253,212,064 across 242 discretionary awards.
FY 2018 Awardees
View FY 2018 awards on the Awards webpage to learn more about awards made in FY 2018. View highlights of select discretionary grants in the OJJDP Fiscal Year 2018 Awards infographic.
FY 2017 Awards
In fiscal year (FY) 2017, OJJDP awarded $253,834,298 in grants to support at-risk youth, protect children, and improve juvenile justice systems nationwide, including more than $218,590,831 in discretionary funding. The 296 awards were made through discretionary and formula grant funding.
Formula Grants
Funding through formula grants is available to states and territories through the state agency designated by the Governor. Juvenile Justice Specialists in each state administer the funding through subgrants to units of local government, local private agencies, and American Indian/Alaska Native jurisdictions for programs in accordance with legislative requirements.
In FY 2017, OJJDP awarded $35,243,467 under the following formula grant programs:
- Prison Rape Elimination Act Reallocation Invited Awards (16 awards)
- Title II Formula Award (54 awards)
Discretionary Grants
OJJDP awards discretionary grants to states, units of local government, and private organizations to administer programs. During FY 2017, OJJDP awarded $218,590,831 in 226 discretionary grants.
FY 2017 Awardees
View FY 2017 awards on the Awards webpage to learn more about awards made in FY 2017.
FY 2016 Awards
In fiscal year (FY) 2016, OJJDP awarded $283,238,847 in grants to support at-risk youth, protect children, and improve juvenile justice systems nationwide, including more than $243,285,063 in discretionary funding. The 352 awards were made through discretionary and formula grant funding.
Formula Grants
Funding through formula grants is available to states and territories through the state agency designated by the Governor. Juvenile Justice Specialists in each state administer the funding through subgrants to units of local government, local private agencies, and American Indian/Alaska Native jurisdictions for programs in accordance with legislative requirements.
In FY 2016, OJJDP awarded $39,953,784 under the following formula grant programs:
- Title II Formula Grants Program (56 awards)
- Prison Rape Elimination Act Reallocation Funds (27 awards)
Discretionary Grants
OJJDP awards discretionary grants to states, units of local government, and private organizations to administer programs. During FY 2016, OJJDP awarded $243,285,063 in 269 discretionary grants.
FY 2016 Awardees
View FY 2016 awards on the Awards webpage to learn more about awards made in FY 2016.
FY 2015 Awards
In fiscal year (FY) 2015, OJJDP awarded $266,621,273 in grants in support of its mission to prevent and respond to juvenile delinquency and child victimization, including more than $227,437,099 in discretionary funding.
Formula Grants
Funding through formula grants is available to states and territories through the state agency designated by the Governor. Juvenile Justice Specialists in each state administer the funding through subgrants to units of local government, local private agencies, and American Indian/Alaska Native jurisdictions for programs in accordance with legislative requirements.
In FY 2015, OJJDP awarded $39,184,174 under the following formula grant programs:
- Prison Rape Elimination Act Reallocation Funds
- Title II Formula Grants Program
Discretionary Grants
OJJDP awards discretionary grants to states, units of local government, and private organizations to administer programs. During FY 2015, OJJDP awarded $227,437,099 in discretionary grants.
FY 2015 Awardees
View FY 2015 awards on the Awards webpage to learn more about awards made in FY 2015.
FY 2014 Awards
In fiscal year (FY) 2014, OJJDP awarded $262,604,665 in grants in support of its mission to prevent and respond to juvenile delinquency and child victimization, including more than $223,655,690 in discretionary funding.
Formula Grants
Funding through formula grants is available to states and territories through the state agency designated by the Governor. Juvenile Justice Specialists in each state administer the funding through subgrants to units of local government, local private agencies, and American Indian/Alaska Native jurisdictions for programs in accordance with legislative requirements.
In FY 2014, OJJDP awarded $38,948,975 under the following formula grant programs:
- Guidance for Prison Rape Elimination Act (PREA) Reallocation Funds
- Title II Formula Grants Program
Discretionary Grants
OJJDP awards discretionary grants to states, units of local government, and private organizations to administer programs. During FY 2014, OJJDP awarded $223,655,690 in discretionary grants.
FY 2014 Awardees
View FY 2014 awards on the Awards webpage to learn more about awards made in FY 2014.
FY 2013 Awards
In fiscal year (FY) 2013, the Office Of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP) awarded $271,275,086 million in grants in support of its mission to prevent and respond to juvenile delinquency and child victimization, including more than $226,092,170 million in discretionary funding.
Formula and Block Grants
Funding through formula and block grants is available to states and territories through the state agency designated by the Governor. Juvenile Justice Specialists in each state administer the funding through subgrants to units of local government, local private agencies, and American Indian/Alaska Native jurisdictions for programs in accordance with legislative requirements.
In FY 2013, OJJDP awarded $45,182,916 million under the following formula and block grants programs.
- Juvenile Accountability Block Grant
- Title II Formula Grants Program
Discretionary Grants
OJJDP awards discretionary grants to states, units of local government, and private organizations to administer programs. $226,092,170 million in discretionary grants was awarded in FY 2013
FY 2013 Awardees
View FY 2013 awards on the Awards webpage to learn more about awards made in FY 2013.
FY 2012 Awards
In fiscal year 2012, OJJDP awarded $267,564,523 million in grants in support of its mission to prevent and respond to juvenile delinquency and child victimization.
FY 2012 Awardees
View FY 2012 awards on the Awards webpage to learn more about awards made in FY 2012.
FY 2011 Awards
In fiscal year (FY) 2011, the Office Of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP) awarded $393,479,099 million in grants in support of its mission to prevent and respond to juvenile delinquency and child victimization, including more than $287 million in discretionary funding.
Formula and Block Grants
Funding through formula and block grants is available to states and territories through the state agency designated by the Governor. Juvenile Justice Specialists in each state administer the funding through subgrants to units of local government, local private agencies, and American Indian/Alaska Native jurisdictions for programs in accordance with legislative requirements.
In FY 2011, OJJDP awarded $106,157,048 million under the following formula and block grants programs.
- Enforcing Underage Drinking Laws Program
- Juvenile Accountability Block Grant
- Title II Formula Grants Program
- Title V
Discretionary Grants
OJJDP awards discretionary grants to states, units of local government, and private organizations to administer programs. $287,322,051 million in discretionary grants was awarded in FY 2011.
FY 2011 Awardees
View FY 2011 awards on the Awards webpage to learn more about awards made in FY 2011.
FY 2010 Awards
In fiscal year (FY) 2010, the Office Of Juvenile Justice And Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP) awarded more than $519 million in grants in support of its mission to prevent and respond to juvenile delinquency and child victimization, including nearly $389 million in discretionary funding.
Formula and Block Grants
Funding through formula and block grants is available to states and territories through the state agency designated by the Governor. Juvenile Justice Specialists in each state administer the funding through subgrants to units of local government, local private agencies, and American Indian/Alaska Native jurisdictions for programs in accordance with legislative requirements.
In FY 2010, OJJDP awarded more than $130 million under the following formula and block grants programs.
- Enforcing Underage Drinking Laws Block Grants Program
- Juvenile Accountability Block Grants Program
- Title II Formula Grants Program
- Title V Community Prevention Grants Program
Discretionary Grants
OJJDP awards discretionary grants to states, units of local government, and private organizations to administer programs. More than $301 million in discretionary grants was awarded in FY 2010.
Statutory Earmarks
In FY 2010, OJJDP awarded nearly $88 million in discretionary funds for statutory earmarks.
Recovery Act Awards
Under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009, OJJDP awarded approximately $921,000 in discretionary funding for the following initiative in FY 2010.
- Recovery Act-Needs Assessment and Developmental Activities for the National Internet Crimes Against Children Data System (NIDS)
FY 2010 Awardees
View FY 2010 awards on the Awards webpage to learn more about awards made in FY 2010.
FY 2009 Awards
In fiscal year (FY) 2009, the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP) awarded more than $453 million in formula, block, and discretionary grants supporting state and community efforts to prevent and respond to delinquency and child victimization and strengthen the juvenile justice system. An additional $146 million was awarded under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009, commonly referenced as the Recovery Act.
Formula and Block Grants
Funding through formula and block grants is available to states and territories through the state agency designated by the Governor. Juvenile Justice Specialists in each state administer the funding through subgrants to units of local government, local private agencies, and American Indian/Alaska Native jurisdictions for programs in accordance with legislative requirements.
In FY 2009, OJJDP awarded more than $132 million under the following formula and block grants programs.
- Enforcing Underage Drinking Laws (EUDL) Block Grants Program
- Juvenile Accountability Block Grants Program
- Title II Formula Grants Program
- Title V Community Prevention Grants Program
Discretionary Grants
OJJDP awards discretionary grants to states, units of local government, and private organizations to administer programs. More than $320 million in discretionary grants was awarded in FY 2009.
Recovery Act Awards
Under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009, OJJDP awarded $48.5 million for the Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force Program and $97.5 million for local and national mentoring initiatives.
FY 2009 Awardees
View FY 2009 awards on the Awards webpage to learn more about awards made in FY 2009.
FY 2008 Awards
In fiscal year (FY) 2008, the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP) awarded more than $391 million in formula, block, and discretionary grants supporting state and community efforts to prevent and respond to delinquency and child victimization and strengthen the juvenile justice system.
Formula and Block Grants
Funding through formula and block grants is available to states and territories through the state agency designated by the Governor. Juvenile Justice Specialists in each state administer the funding through subgrants to units of local government, local private agencies, and American Indian/Alaska Native jurisdictions for programs in accordance with legislative requirements.
In FY 2008, OJJDP awarded more than $124 million under the following formula and block grants programs:
- Enforcing Underage Drinking Laws (EUDL) Block Grants Program
- Juvenile Accountability Block Grants Program
- Title II Formula Grants Program
- Title V Community Prevention Grants Program
Discretionary Grants
OJJDP awards discretionary grants to states, units of local government, and private organizations to administer programs. More than $267 million in discretionary grants was awarded in FY 2008.
FY 2008 Awardees
View FY 2008 awards on the Awards webpage to learn more about awards made in FY 2008.
FY 2017 Awards
In Fiscal Year 2007, the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP) awarded more than $383 million in formula, block, and discretionary grants supporting state and community efforts to prevent and respond to delinquency and child victimization and strengthen the juvenile justice system.
Formula and Block Grants
Funding through formula and block grants is available to states and territories through the state agency designated by the Governor. Juvenile Justice Specialists in each state administer the funding through subgrants to units of local government, local private agencies, and American Indian/Alaska Native jurisdictions for programs in accordance with legislative requirements.
In Fiscal Year 2007, OJJDP awarded more than $125 million under the following formula and block grants programs.
- Enforcing the Underage Drinking Laws Block Grant Program
- Juvenile Accountability Block Grants Program
- Title II Formula Grants Program
- Title V Community Prevention Grants Program
Discretionary Grants
OJJDP awards discretionary grants directly to states, units of local government, and private organizations to administer selected programs. Most discretionary awards are made following a competitive peer review process. Discretionary funding ranges from single awards for research, evaluation, and technical assistance to multisite awards for program development.
OJJDP awarded more than $258 million for discretionary grants in Fiscal Year 2007.
FY 2007 Awardees
View FY 2007 awards on the Awards webpage to learn more about awards made in FY 2007.